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Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 waht's your vision?

I had written a my life's purpose two years ago, I reading over it, seeing were some is still my hearts desire and other areas God has brought new life. I had said Christ was the one reason that I live for. This was and still my life goal.
I would like to get closer to Him as possible. My second goal is to gorify and honor the Lord with my life. I would love to honor with Him with all my might, all my soul, my mind, my heart and the to love my neighbor as myself, utilizing these principles when working with my brother's and sister's in Christ. and those who don't know Christ. back then I would of said it was my hearts desire, my life goal to over seas.
I was going to be working with children. But now I am broken for America. God has changed my goal my life dream. ALso he has planted in me the deep hunger for prayer, and Holiness of God, and for God's people to be holy as He is holy.

Part of my goal that remains the same, is the goal to love my Lord with all of my mind, meaning that my thoughts are held by Him and protected by Christ. that what I think upon would be honoring to him and on him. My goal is to be dewlling in : what is true what is honorable whatever is right whatever is lovely whatever is good repute and any thing that is of excellenece and worthy of praise. So my thoughts would be centered on Chrost through out the whole day.
My heart, my pursuit in life would be to love Him as the lover of my soul/ he is the one in whom I wake to live for. If I live or die, may it be for Him. My goal would be to love HIm more everyday. I desire that He would be the sustanier of my heart and my life. When I awake in the morning I am captured by His enduring love. It is because he first loved me. So while I streive to realize my dream of being part being part of awakening America to pray, I find all my plans has have been stripped away. and I am left with with one plan, and that to pray alone until God bring others to pray. He wisper in my ear to make no loud call, to come. My spirit is able to gather my children. So I rest and wait trusting in faithfulness. It seems that every step grows harder, yet ealier to take.
It seems that battle, wages within my heart mind, and home everyday. He called me to pray, and so it seems the fourse of evil are doing all they can from keeping me to pray. If I am to take this calling of prayer. I must be willing to fight and not give up, willing deny my self and pray. But I am weak, yet God is strong. I find a new passion and new zeal to pray, this keep me going. When my flesh say I don't want to pray. God say he can change our desire to what please him , MAy God change my desire everyday to do what please Him.

what is God putting on your hearts?
my vision my dreams?
In Hislove


 2007/5/26 22:17Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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