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Joined: 2007/5/14
Posts: 5

 View on Prophecy

I have heard many views concerning prophecy of today some of which do not seem to be scriptural.

One view, is that a prophesy that is spoken in the Spirit can be a combination of the prophecy of man (carnal prophecy) and of the Holy Ghost. So someone could give a prophecy that is 20% God and 80% man or 80% God and 20% man.

There is the other view that prophecy isn’t for today. This is a view for which I have never found scriptural support, and I have only found evidence for the opposite.

I personally believe that a prophecy spoken of the Holy Spirit has to be 100% correct if it isn’t there is an element of false prophecy, and false prophecy can never be of God. I guess that someone can prophecy by the Holy Spirit and then add their own fleshly thoughts (and false prophecy) but this is extremely bad because there is sever punishment for the false prophetic (Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 13) . I guess that I tend to think that prophecy hasn’t changed that much since the Old Covenant. I don’t see any scriptures in the New Covenant that signify that the prophetic has changed much outside of the fact that we have a ministry of life instead a ministry of death and our ministry should be in super-abounding glory and surpass that of the Old Covenant (2 Corinthians 3).

I was wondering what are your thoughts and scriptures to go along with your views?

 2007/5/17 15:26Profile

Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW

 Re: View on Prophecy

I believe in the OT prophecies were meant to be canonic and seen as authorized by God. There were God appointed spokesmen to speak on the Lord's behalf.

Since the canon of scripture is closed, I believe the prophetic in the NT is now a ministry of the body of Christ. We hold treasures in earthen vessel. While I believe prophecy must be given with utmost care and attention but none can claim that he is beyond error.
This is why is says in

1.Cor 14 29Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said.


1. Cor 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

So there is a weighing or disgestion the body/fellowship required. The two in conjunction
have to work together to produce more accuracy and consider its correct application, similar to tongues and interpretation.

Sadly, very little is taught on the subject of weighing prophecies.


 2007/5/30 17:56Profile

Joined: 2007/2/16
Posts: 231
Longview WA

 Re: View on Prophecy

prophecy, if from the spirit of God will always be accurate. In the circles Im in right now at church we call these 'word's' for someone or he group. I have a word for you. is how it is said.
Word's as we call them need to be absolutely 100%
scriptural. If they dont line up with scripture then I throw them out.
If someone claims a prophecy that is in their oppinion a revelation beyond scripture. I reject any extra biblical knowledge at this point of our dispensation.
If the Lord wants anybody to know or do something that is important to the Lord, he will speak it to our hearts, and if were not listening then he may send someone to us to give a word, and we will know it is from the Lord because he has already been speaking this to our hearts and we just needed a nudge.
Just my opinion.


 2007/6/8 6:19Profile


Here are some random thoughts I have on prophecy, not sure if it fits in:

Many prophecies, such as those of Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Jonah, are were open, they were conditional, they were contingent.

What is the purpose of a prophecy? Is the purpose to rub someones inevitable future in their face? Or is it to alter and change the course of the future, to avoid one future possibility and secure another future possibility?

I believe that the bible, and all the prophets believed, the latter and not the former. That is why Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh, because he believed the future was open, and that is why Jeremiah lamented over Israel, because their captivity was avoidable and contingent.

Prophecies, serving as a warning, all presuppose the openness of the future when it comes to some things. Prophecies that were given, to warn people or groups, in the hope of avoiding the foretold possible future, all necessarily presuppose the future being open to possibilities, to alternative or multiple outcomes.

And of coarse King Hezekieh believed that prophecies could be contingent, and God's mind and plan could be changed, or else He wouldn't have sought the Lord in prayer to change His plans. King Hezekiah was not a believer in a fatalistic certain system, but obviously believed in an open system.

Other prophecies are certainly not contingent, but are closed, because they are derived from the determined counsel of God, not the contingent choices of men, such as the death of Christ, which was determined by the councel of God.

 2007/6/8 7:05

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