This is some background for Abraham, My Friend_18.
The years of servitude in Judges. Judges 3:8 - Cushan, King of Mesopotamia, 8 years Judges 3:14- Eglon, King of Moab, 18 years Judges 4:2 - Jabin, King of Canaan, 20 years Judges 6:1 - Midianites, 7 years Judges 9:22 - Abimelech's usurpation, 3 years Judges 10:8 - Ammonites and Philistine, 18 years Judges 13:1 - Philistines, 40 years
total: 114 years
Years of rest in Judges Judges 3:11, Othniel, 40 years Judges 3:30, Ehud, 80 years Judges 3:30, included under Jabin above, Judges 5:31, Barak (Deborah), 40 years Judges 8:28, Gideon, 40 years Judges 10:2, Tola, 23 years Judges 10:3, Jair, 22 years Judges 12:7, Jephthae, 6 years Judges 12:9, Ibzan, 7 years Judges 12:11, Elon, 10 years Judges 12:14, Abdon, 8 years Judges 15:20, Samson's years included in Philistine oppression. 1Sam 4:18, Eli, 40 years 1Sam 7:2, Samuel, 20
total 336 years.
Together the period of the Judges was 450 years.
1Kings 6:1 Deut 1:3, Acts 13:18, Exodus to Canaan, 40 years Josh 14:7-10, Conquest of Canaan, 6 years Judges 11:26, partition of Canaan, 14 years Acts 13:20, Period of Judges, 450 years Acts 13:21, Reign of Saul, 40 years 2Sam 5:4, Reign of David, 40 years 1Kings 6:1, 4th year of Solomon, 4 years.
total 594 years, but 'heaven' reckoned it as 480, 1Kings 6:1. This gives a discrepancy of 114 years which is the total number of years that Israel spent outside the will of God and so are 'uncounted'.
_________________ Ron Bailey