The article concerning a Wicked and perverse generation is indeed a timely one. The days of Noah, preceded by the death of Methusaleh is characteristic of divine warning. Methusaleh's name, meaning "When he is gone then it (judgement) shall come", rings in the halls of history. He died at age 969. Being the oldest man who ever lived, he stands for the patience of God, (exceedingly blessed longevity) and the judgement of God. There are two 9's in the number of years, indicating a double witness of coming judgement. The general population didn't get the obvious hint. They are not getting it now either. 2007 is the year of the 40th anniversary of the beginning and the ending of the six day war of 1967, June 5-10. 40 is the number of testing. The testing is preceding the warning and the final warning that will be delivered twice, will precede the judgement. Are we getting ready?
_________________Chris Newnham
Just so people know the comments are in reference to this article:[b]WARNING A WICKED AND PERVERSE GENERATION by Greg Gordon[/b]
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon