Subscribers, SOMEONE HAS SAID THAT there are more than 1,000 commentaries on the book of Acts in the English language - but not 100 Christians living with the power of the New Testament Christianity. These are days where the Scripture is true for many: "ever learning, and never able to come to the knoweldge of the truth." May God lead us in self-sacrifice, self-crucifixion, self-abasement. We are called to be a "living sacrifice" to God, holy and pleasing to Him. The call for discipleship did not die with the apostolic age, Christ's call is still the same. Come and Die so that you can live! is hosting it's first conference: Revival Conference 2007! I strongly encourage pastors and ministry leaders to attend this event. Details can be found at: And you can register here. "The disciplines of spiritual reality are 'lost arts' to most modern Christians. But they have been tried, tested and proven by millions before you. They are your only way out of the fantasy of counterfeit Christianity today." -K.P. YohannanGreg Moderator===[b] Newsletter: "WARNING A WICKED AND PERVERSE GENERATION"[/b]
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon