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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : March 30th - Leviticus 1; John 20; Proverbs 17; Philippians 4

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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 March 30th - Leviticus 1; John 20; Proverbs 17; Philippians 4


[img align=left][/img] Text/Audio: [url=]Leviticus 1[/url] / [url=]John 20[/url] / [url=]Proverbs 17[/url] / [url=]Philippians 4[/url]


"The only reason given in the Bible why Christ loved us — and if you study till you die you will not find another — is, 'I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.'" -Robert Murray McCheyne


-[url=]"Daily Bread" - The Advantages & Directions[/url]
-[url=]"Daily Bread" - (Yearly) Bible Reading Guide[/url]
-[url=]Who is using the M'chyne Bible Reading guide[/url]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/30 10:50Profile

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