The day is come!From Spurgeon's sermon, "HIS NAME - WONDERFUL!"The day is come, the day of wrath, the day of fire!The ages are ended.The last century, like the last pillar of a dilapidated temple,has crumbled to its fall.The clock of time is verging to its last hour.It is on the stroke.The time is come when the things that are made must disappear.Lo, I see earth's viscera stirring.A thousand hills give up the slumbering dead.The battle fields are clothed no more with the rich harvests thathave been fertilized with blood; but a new harvest has sprung up.The fields are thick with men!The sea itself becomes a prolific mother, and thoughshe has swallowed men alive, she gives them up again,and they stand before God, an exceeding great army.Sinners! you have risen from your tombs-the pillars of heaven are reeling;the sky is moving to and fro;the sun, the eye of this great world, is rollinglike a maniac's, and glaring with dismay.The moon that long has cheered the night now makes thedarkness terrible, for she is turned into a clot of blood.Signs and wonders past imagination, make the heavens shake,and make men's hearts tremble within them.Suddenly upon a cloud there comes one likeunto the Son of Man!Sinners! picture your astonishment andyour wonder when you see him!
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon