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Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Bye bye black leather pants

Two weeks ago me and my friend Laura took a road trip. On the way home we were talking about wearing pants. I told I read a post on sermon index that made me think about it. She also said God had been putting it on her heart to. After praying about we planed to go home and get rid of any clothes God didn't want us to have. I went home and got rid lots of shirts, and pants. Then Laura wrote this after we got back.
Bye bye black leather pants

Hello my wonderful readers. I hope that you will be blessed by what God is doing in my life and be spurred on and encouraged to do the same.

Growing up in American culture we often take for granted that many things just ARE. The idea of entertainment, watching movies, listening to music, going to school to get an education, keeping with the latest fashions... there are so many things that we just accept as part of American culture, what is culturally acceptable and therefore morally okay.

Lol, well, we as Christians begin to see that this just isn't so! I'm not going to get into all the details of what American culture just has wrong and has twisted morality and human "rights". What I want to share with you is the latest thing that God has revealed in my own life and the action that I'm taking to uphold a new standard of holiness.

BYE BYE BLACK LEATHER PANTS! And not just the black leather pants, but the jeans too. I've already gotten rid of 20 pairs of pants. I'm going to replace almost my entire wardrobe (with dresses, skirts, and loose fit pants) becuase almost everything I own is form-fitting and I desire my appearance to scream... modesty....purity....lady.... This seems like a big change. I'm so comfortable with my clothes and I'm always complimented on my sense of style. Much of that is going out the window. I'm not saying I have to look silly or unattractive or unstylish, but I'm coming to see just how sacred our bodies are. Our bodies are God's temple, which is to be holy and sacred, pure and righteous. So, let's start treating our bodies as such. Bye bye swimsuits. I'm trashing them all. I think its such an evil thing to meet and swim in public places exposing our bodies for all to see. It's just so incredibly wrong, unless you are really covering yourselves up, especially you ladies!

I want purity. I want holiness. I want righteousness. Do you? Why should we even dress like the world?

in his love


 2007/4/13 17:47Profile

 Re: Bye bye black leather pants

Yes, I do want purity and holiness and righteousness.

Thank you for sharing the wake up call God put in your life and are sharing with the rest of us. I knew a woman years ago who quit dancing (square dancing) because she was convicted over being on object of lust and she didn't want to cause any man to stumble.

Dressing modestly is along these very same lines.

God bless you!!!

 2007/4/13 17:54

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Two weeks ago me and my friend Laura took a road trip. On the way home we were talking about wearing pants. I told I read a post on sermon index that made me think about it. She also said God had been putting it on her heart to. After praying about we planed to go home and get rid of any clothes God didn't want us to have. I went home and got rid lots of shirts, and pants. Then Laura wrote this after we got back.

Praise God.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/4/13 17:56Profile

Joined: 2005/11/26
Posts: 496

 Re: Bye bye black leather pants

Thank you for sharing! Very encouraging to hear!

I did the same thing not too long ago and God used s.i. on me too!

I threw all my jeans away and anything that was form fitting, tight, and sylish looking.

I am now wearing loose long skirts to the ankle.

Much blessings, Lisa


 2007/4/13 18:42Profile

 Re: Bye bye black leather pants

Thank you so much for sharing this, Charlene, this is an awesome testimony from you and your friend. Praise God when He lays it on His children's hearts to change an area of their life...and they obey.

I've been blessed and encouraged in reading this!


[edit]I just read your post, Lisa. Once again, praise God!!! Press on, sister!

 2007/4/13 18:47

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164



Josh Parsley

 2007/4/13 18:50Profile

Joined: 2006/1/19
Posts: 1406

 Re: Bye bye black leather pants

I want purity. I want holiness. I want righteousness. Do you? Why should we even dress like the world?

Ezekiel 36:26
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you:

Praise God, how wonderful it is to see and hear of revival taking place in individual hearts.
May the Lord continue to bless and encourage
you in your witness.
This can only be the beginning of what the Lord has for those who are His.
In His Love


 2007/4/13 19:57Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


This recording is very applicable to this thread:

[b]Don't give in to the Pressure[/b]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/4/13 20:51Profile

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 Re: Bye bye black leather pants

Praise God!

 2007/4/13 21:02Profile

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA

 Re: Bye bye black leather pants

Praise the Lord!

I would just like to say that I believe there is nothing as good looking on a woman than modesty.

God bless you sister. This blessed me greatly.


 2007/4/13 21:29Profile

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