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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : Self-Denial

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Joined: 2006/1/19
Posts: 1406


Luke 9:23
The denying ourselves, and the taking up our cross … is not a thing of small concern: It is not expedient only, as are some of the circumstantials of religion; but it is absolutely, indispensably necessary, either to our becoming or continuing his disciples. It is absolutely necessary, in the very nature of the thing, to our coming after Him and following Him; insomuch that, as far as we do not practice it, we are not his disciples. If we do not continually deny ourselves, we do not learn of Him, but of other masters. If we do not take up our cross daily, we do not come after Him, but after our own fleshly mind.…
But what is self-denial? Wherein are we to deny ourselves?… It is the denying or refusing to follow our own will, with a conviction that the will of God is the only rule of action to us.…
And every one that would follow Christ, that would be his real disciple, must not only deny himself, but take up his cross also.… We do not properly “take up our cross,” but when we voluntarily suffer what it is in our power to avoid; when we willingly embrace the will of God, though contrary to our own; when we choose what is painful, because it is the will of our wise and gracious Creator.…
See that you apply this, every one of you, to your own soul.… Practice it daily, without intermission, from the hour you first set your hand to the plow, and enduring therein to the end, till your spirit returns to God! (WJW)
John Wesley, Works

 2007/4/9 4:45Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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