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Joined: 2005/5/9
Posts: 659

 Re: Pray for Street Preachers in Hendersonville NC who are being arrested

Thanks for this update krispy, we all know it's going to get worse. We need persecution to purge the church!

 2007/4/5 9:00Profile


I just want Billy Ball and the rest of us to exercise wise speech, especially in front of the world.

I agree 100%... but thats America. Freedom of speech is just that... freedom of speech. The Founding Fathers were well aware of the fact that our liberties would be abused by some, but the answer is not tyranny.

Now... I agree that the only right we have is hell. But thats not the point here. Paul had no problem invoking his rights as a Roman citizen when he was being held prisoner. Those who have a problem with us who invoke our rights as Americans conveniently ignore that part of Paul's ministry.


 2007/4/5 9:05


Krispy said:

I support Billy Balls freedom of speech. I support a gay person when they exercise their freedom of speech. I support a Muslim when they exercise their freedom of speech (so long as their speech is protected under the Constitution, which advocating violence and treason is not protected speech).

Well said Steven!!

 2007/4/5 12:22

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA


I support Billy Balls freedom of speech. I support a gay person when they exercise their freedom of speech. I support a Muslim when they exercise their freedom of speech (so long as their speech is protected under the Constitution, which advocating violence and treason is not protected speech).

I agree that this ordinance seems to run contrary to freedom of speech rights and it should definitely be brought before a court for review where it will most likely be struck down as unconstitutional.

However, as I was thinking about this matter I began to ponder whether or not this man should be purposefully violating this ordinance in the mean time. I do believe that there is a time when violating a law or ordinance might be the right thing to do but I don't think this is one of those times. I don't think it would be a violation of conscience for him to apply for the permit to speak in public until this ordinance is revoked. I'm thinking that by openly violating the ordinance he could lead those who are looking on to think that it is OK to disregard the law to further your own ends, possibly to much greater evil purposes than silencing public speech.

Just my thoughts.

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2007/4/5 12:52Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


I began to ponder whether or not this man should be purposefully violating this ordinance in the mean time.

I agree. Well said.

 2007/4/5 13:54Profile

Joined: 2007/4/5
Posts: 2


I think the last two entries on this board were well stated. I think the follow-up articles only serve to back these statements...

Has anyone read the latest update on this story?

 2007/4/5 15:06Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


Reading this last article I ask myself, "How is God being glorified?"

 2007/4/5 16:37Profile


We must live in this world as if we don't have any rights.

Yes we have rights in North America, we are able to do what other Christians in other lands only dream of doing. However, we need to be quiet, sensible and have our wits about us and be wise as serpents and yet harmless as doves. If you need to scream your lungs out, rent a hall and yell till your voice gives way. But be absolutely certain that you are standing on that street corner by the operation of the holy Spirit and not on your own quest, as many have brought a reproach on the name of Jesus Christ already.

Zeal is good, Wisdom is better.

 2007/4/5 20:16

Joined: 2007/4/5
Posts: 2


I asked myself the same thing - how is Jesus being lifted up in all this? The attention is all shifted to man and not the message.

 2007/4/6 9:45Profile


I had the same questions, and I personally find Billy Ball to be somewhat obnoxious... however, in doing what he did he brought to light a law on the books that most believe is unconstitutional. This is an ordinance that the chief of police (who happens to be a believer) likes because it helps his police force know what is going on in the community. Not a bad thing. However, since the wording of the ordinance is not well defined, it leaves the issuing of the permits completely up to the opinion of the chief of police. If the chief was not a believer, and if he wanted to stop the Word of God from going forth... he would have that power. There are no checks and balances.

Not to mention that the law is unconstitutional anyway.

I question Billy Balls motives... but he has done more to unite the churches of this area than anyone has in a looong time. I've spoken with a pastor friend of mine this weekend, and pretty much at this point the pastors in area have agreed that violating the ordinance at this point in time will not serve any good. They are giving the mayor and the city council time to review the ordinance, and make any changes that the city lawyers feel they need to make. The Mayor has already stated that this will happen. If the changes are not made to the satisfaction of the preachers in the area, then legal action will commence, and it will involve organizations such as the ACLJ (American Center for Law & Justice), and other Christian law associations.

And I think that is proper.

Interesting to note that the ACLU is refusing to get involved. They'll stand up for those sick idiots who protest as soldiers' funerals, but wont come near a free speech issue when it involves the Gospel. What hypocrites.

By the way, many of the pastors mentioned in the article on Saturday I know personally, and will vouch for them that they are truly men seeking God's heart. Dont sit in judgement of these men, especially Randy Barton.


 2007/4/9 8:27

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