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 Pray for Street Preachers in Hendersonville NC who are being arrested

We need prayer here in Western NC. Hendersonville (about 15 miles south of Asheville) is requiring street preachers to obtain permits (basically asking the city's permission) in order to exercise their Constitutional rights. Ordanances like this one have been struck down in GA and TN as being unconstitutional, but Hendersonville City Council is digging it's heels in.

Here's a link to one of the articles about it:

This is in my back yard folks. I'm not a street preacher... but if you dont hear from me for awhile, you'll know I just became one! Visit me in jail, ok?


 2007/4/4 13:58

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164

 Re: Pray for Street Preachers in Hendersonville NC who are being arrested

Yeah, I heard about ol' Billy Ball not too long ago. I hate seeing this type of thing. I'm glad that the police where I am at haven't troubled me too much about street preaching.

Josh Parsley

 2007/4/4 15:52Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


Ball, a 46-year-old preacher from Primrose, Ga., received a citation from Hendersonville Police about 30 minutes after he appeared Thursday on the corner of Four Seasons Boulevard and Coolridge Street holding a sign that said: "Three gays rights: AIDS, hell, salvation." It's his second citation -- he also got one on Monday.

What was not reported was how every gay person who read this sign immediately repented of their immorality! I am being silly here, but I am disturbed by this type of spreading the "Good News".

While reading this I prayed about where the line is drawn between a Gospel preacher who is concerned about the salvation of unbelievers and a man who is looking for a fight with the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hear me out, I am not accusing this preacher of anything wrong, but I will not blindly accuse the police of doing anything wrong either. If the ordinance is a violation of free speech then it should be removed, I just don't see how a preacher getting citations glorifies God. What I am trying to say is that there must be a better way to get the ordinance removed than holding up a sign that says, "Three gays rights: AIDS, hell, salvation."

Let me state for the record that I believe the ordinance should be repealed, but I think it should be repealed in a way that does not involve a Christian breaking the law.

 2007/4/4 16:15Profile

Joined: 2006/5/23
Posts: 18


Wow, thats pretty interesting and sad. I'll be driving through there tomorrow I'll make sure to pray. I also just want to say thank you to all you who do street preach...May God be glorified through all things.

Micah Lansing

 2007/4/4 17:03Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 258

 Re: Pray for Street Preachers in Hendersonville NC who are being arrested

I'll visit you brother!
should i come within the next few days??? ;-)

"...I was in prison and ye came unto me..."

 2007/4/4 18:05Profile

Joined: 2004/11/13
Posts: 44

 Re: Pray for Street Preachers in Hendersonville NC who are being arrested

Wow. I'm speechless. Stand for your freedom of religious expression brother! My prayers are with you.

Jon Doe

 2007/4/4 18:43Profile


While reading this I prayed about where the line is drawn between a Gospel preacher who is concerned about the salvation of unbelievers and a man who is looking for a fight with the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sadly, your right.

I've seen this so many times, from my Brothers and Sisters in the LORD, they get yelling and screaming and boistrous in public places, they are not preaching, they want the world to know their opinion, while I am trying to calm them down, most times I have to walk away. I had to do this just the other night in a Subway restaurant. I told them, I love you but your being unreasonable, and then left.

 2007/4/4 20:58

Joined: 2007/4/5
Posts: 1

 Re: Pray for Street Preachers in Hendersonville NC who are being arrested

Billy Ball says: ""We are going to prove that this ridiculous ordinance about free speech is exactly that. And if they give me a citation, I will go right back and preach again. If I am arrested, somebody else will be here to take my place."

Chris Norris, who pastors Fair Haven Baptist Church in Hendersonville, agreed. "

Jesus says: "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet." Matthew 10:14

This is my biggest "beef" with America these days. Christian Americans can't seem to see the difference between being Christian and American. This Billy Ball and his entourage want to "fight for their rights" and I think they speak for a large portion of American Christians.


Are these rights God given, that people HAVE to listen to us?
That we can stand on street corners and give a presentation and no one can tell us to move?
That we're gonna do what we want because we have God on our side and these people just better deal with that?

Is it any wonder why the Church in China is so strong and we're so weak???
They just carry out the Great Commission and we talk about it and argue about it and fight for our rights over it.
Man, this would really depress me if I didn't believe God's Word to be true that the apostasy HAS to come before the man of lawlessness is revealed.
When our rights are more impostant than our message, we are apostate.

With all due respect, Mr. Ball should stop talking about his rights and start preaching the Word. If they run him out, then let him shake the dust off his "sandals" and move on, knowing he did as the Lord wanted him to do and that the rest of the work is the Holy Spirits' and not to be decided through legislation.

Sorry this is so long. This is a pet peeve of mine and it just irks me what we've done to the Name of Christ for the sake of our comfort and freedom.

 2007/4/5 1:55Profile


Understand something... I dont agree with everything that Billy Ball does. I would not carry a sign like that. I dont think it brings anyone to repentence.

However, in this country we do have rights. Like it or not, we do. Do we deserve rights from God? No. But none the less, we have them. And if we dont do something to keep them, then we wont have them.

We can get all spiritual and say that we shouldnt worry about government, and the church in China is strong because of the oppression (which is true)... but the fact is America sends out more missions and relief work than any other country in the world. We wouldnt be able to do that if it were not for the freedom and liberties we enjoy.

I was in the military. I've been in combat zones. I've put my life on the line for people like Billy Ball, and every other person in this country who exercises there freedoms under the Constitution of the United States.

I support Billy Balls freedom of speech. I support a gay person when they exercise their freedom of speech. I support a Muslim when they exercise their freedom of speech (so long as their speech is protected under the Constitution, which advocating violence and treason is not protected speech).

Members of this forum who are American... you can post your opinions on this board because of those freedoms you enjoy.

So lets keep things in perspective. While it sounds very impressive to be spiritual and condemn Rev Ball for standing up for his rights... you're enjoying those rights when you write your condemnation of him on this forum!


 2007/4/5 8:37

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


Let me be clear. I support Billy Ball's right of free speech as protected by the Constitution, I just want Billy Ball and the rest of us to exercise wise speech, especially in front of the world.

 2007/4/5 8:45Profile

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