Saints,A co-worker of mine recently lost his ten year old son. Many in my department have know Virgil for quite some time having worked with him in other employments.He had just started here with us about a week ago and this news had reached the hearing Friday of last week that his son was not in good shape. They took him off life support over the weekend.This morning received an update for funeral arrangements and this link [url=]Valley Christan Schools[/url] that has a section attributed to the young man, Joshua Caruz. Thought I would share it with you all. Plan on attending one of the services upcoming. I cannot begin to tell how incredible it was to find out that Virgil who I do not even know is a brother in the Lord ...
_________________Mike Balog
As I read over the memories I was impacted by one character quality that was brought out again and again in the life of this ten year old boy...[i]Kindness...[/i]One of his teachers also gave testimony that [i]he honored God, respected his parents, and loved learning[/i].This boy lived for just ten years and at the end of his short life God is glorified. That's awesome.I pray that God gives comfort to his family and friends. Thanks for sharing this, brother Mike.
I pray that God gives comfort to his family and friends.
This boy lived for just ten years and at the end of his short life God is glorified. That's awesome.
crsschk wrote:This morning received an update for funeral arrangements and this link [url=]Valley Christan Schools[/url] that has a section attributed to the young man, Joshua Caruz. Thought I would share it with you all. Plan on attending one of the services upcoming.