Poster | Thread | PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | A great way to prevent bacterial infections such as strep, and even prevent certain viral infections is to take garlic supplements. You can get 1000 mg odorless garlic softgels at any drug store or WalMart. I lived in Russia for 5 years and spent a lot of time outside in subzero temperatures, and the secret I discovered to not catching colds or other infections was to eat a fresh clove of garlic daily. Unfortunately, fresh garlic has a bad odor that remains on your breath and later diffuses through your pores when you perspire, making daily consumption impractical for many of us. But oderless garlic capsules take care of that.
The truth is that I haven't been sick - even a slight cold - for years and years. I seriously can't remember the last time I had a flu or caught a cold. The only time I got sick my whole time in Russia (five years) happened [i]before[/i] I discovered the wonderful benefits of garlic. At that time, I suffered from a bleeding strep throat, and was told then about garlic - by a Russian doctor!
I try to take a garlic capsule everyday. My wife will tell you - every year she will get sick around January, my nieces and nephews and in-laws and brother and his kids will all get sick too - but I never do. A real nasty strep bug was going around last year, all my in-laws caught it, and my wife too, but I was fine. I keep telling them the secret, and they think I'm crazy. Garlic? They think that boosting their immune systems with extra Vitamin C will do the trick, but their bodies just eliminate it and they end up getting sick anyways.
Just a bit of wisdom in terms of health for you. The supplements are cheap! $3.00 will get you a container of 120 softgels. God is good.
_________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2007/4/3 1:13 | Profile | UniqueWebRev Member

Joined: 2007/2/9 Posts: 640 Southern California
| Re: HomeFree89 | | Praying for God to heal your strep, and about to order Garlic - I am tired of catching these things! God gave us these things, and Doctors also, but I trust God the most!
May your path be blessed, _________________ Forrest Anderson
| 2007/4/4 7:54 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
PaulWest: Just a bit of wisdom in terms of health for you.
That's great wisdom, brother Paul. ;-) I guess I'll start taking garlic again! A couple years ago we heard that a clove of garlic a day (minced up and can be taken with sprite) would keep the flu away...well, it worked for some of us, but not all! Arrgh, I haven't attempted it since! But the capsules are definately doable.
| 2007/4/4 21:21 | | PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
A couple years ago we heard that a clove of garlic a day (minced up and can be taken with sprite) would keep the flu away...well, it worked for some of us, but not all! Arrgh, I haven't attempted it since! But the capsules are definately doable.
Yeah, I don't suppose it will always safeguard every person who takes it. Each person is unique, with unique T cells and macrophages and some might be more susceptible than others to bacterial infections and viruses...and others may even be allegric to garlic! I know that most people I spoke to in Russia would attest to the fact that garlic prevented sickness, and even Louis Pasteur recognized garlic as a viable antibiotic. During World War II, the Soviets considered garlic to be "Russian penicillin", and even applied freshly cut cloves to open wounds in successfully treating gangrene.
Anyhow, there's loads of stuff on the internet about garlic. I wish my wife used it more in her cooking. but she doesn't. :-(
Did you know that some ancient pagan cultures (such as the Egyptians) worshipped garlic? I've read that Greek and Roman war generals required their soldiers to consume garlic daily to keep from being sick. Other cultures used garlic as a form of currency. The odorless softgels are the way to go, having 1000 mg of garlic essence. They look like vitamin E capsules.
Just a word of warning, though: I've found them to increase my, if you're looking to lose weight, I'd go sparingly - take one softgel every three days or so.
Brother Paul _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2007/4/4 21:42 | Profile | Tears_of_joy Member

Joined: 2003/10/30 Posts: 1554
| Re: | | Brother Paul, thank you for your counsel. I think I will try to find such capsules. In my study days I remember that russian colleagues ate much garlic. And about increasing appetite, that's good for me, I need to put some weight! :-) |
| 2007/4/4 22:06 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
Just a word of warning, though: I've found them to increase my, if you're looking to lose weight, I'd go sparingly - take one softgel every three days or so.
:-P :-P :-P Oh that is too funny! I got a good laugh out of that one, brother. :-) |
| 2007/4/4 22:12 | |
| Re: | | YOur throats are probably better by now, but came late to this conversation.
A retired nurse advised gargling with a strong, mixture of vinegar and salt (proportions 2/1 I think)in a few spoonsfull of hot water(not too hot!) for throat infections.
I tried it once or twice. The vinegar nearly chokes you, but it works!!! (But don't swallow the mixture whatever you do!!!
Hope you are all better now
Jeannette |
| 2007/4/6 17:22 | | roadsign Member

Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: strep throat (maybe or maybe not) | | Just offering two cents worth of thought:
Jordan, you and your siblings may actually not have strep throat, but a viral infection - especially if it just came up recently. Strep throat has a bacterial cause which can develop as a secondary infection. This normally requres an antibiotic.
I once heard that you should wait a week from the onset of infection, and if it doesn't clear up, and if you are getting worse - ex fevers, white spots, etc, then go to the doctor. Otherwise, let our wonderful God-given defences do their job - with a little help maybe from some of the remedies suggested, along with fluids, sleep, etc.
You might want to surf the web for some more insight into throat infections. These days, that is not a bad idea, since our medical system is chronically running on overload, and it is not always easy to get medical help.
We certainly all need to learn to seek God for guidance when it comes to health issue. He is interested in our entire well-being - bodies and all, and knows best.
That will be two cents, please.
_________________ Diane
| 2007/4/6 18:10 | Profile |