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Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797

 Strep Throat

Please pray for my brother, sister, and me. I have had strep throat since Tuesday night and my brother and sister are coming down with it now, so please pray for healing. We're trusting the Lord for whatever He gives us.



 2007/4/1 10:57Profile

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: Strep Throat

Could I please ask what strep throat is?


God bless.

 2007/4/1 11:00Profile

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797


It's bacterial infection that is lots worse than a regular sore throat. It causes white puss to build up on the throat and it makes it hard to swallow.



 2007/4/1 11:07Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: Strep Throat

You know Jordan my first thought when you asked for prayer is that you should go to the doctor because strep can effect other areas of your health.

Then the thought came to me, do you believe God heals strep, and I had to say yes.

My testimony is that I had strep when I was fourteen years old very severly. I haven't had it since then. I have been around it many times since, my employees and customers, etc. I have had someone tell me I have had strep and immediately I have experience pain in my throat. It might all be in my mind, however I also immediately prayed and claimed Jesus finished work and the symptoms went away just as fast. I haven't had strep since I was fourteen and I am now fifty three.

Do I believe God heals strep, I sure do. I know some folks will not agee but "He healeth all my diseases".

I will pray for you and you family.


 2007/4/1 11:11Profile

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797


Thank you Goldminer,

We are trusting God for healing. :-)



 2007/4/1 12:51Profile

Joined: 2005/12/9
Posts: 150
Cleveland, OH


My testimony is that I had strep when I was fourteen years old very severly. I haven't had it since then. I have been around it many times since, my employees and customers, etc. I have had someone tell me I have had strep and immediately I have experience pain in my throat. It might all be in my mind, however I also immediately prayed and claimed Jesus finished work and the symptoms went away just as fast. I haven't had strep since I was fourteen and I am now fifty three. Do I believe God heals strep, I sure do. [b]I know some folks will not agee but "He healeth all my diseases". I will pray for you and you family.[/b]

I don't think anyone would consent that God himself does not heal people presently. Men are offended at the thought that because we are God's adopted sons, we can call upon his divine work to heal us of the common cold, cramps, bad breath, ankle sprains etc. Is divine assistance really necessary for such trivial ailments? Does God get glory out of divinely healing such things? Or does he receive glory when men praising realize they have not evolved, but have been given the divine gift of reason to advance medical care enough to aid the human body to heal itself.

I dare not think myself worthy to decide which gold miner, but I think you do well to come to God’s throne about every area of your life.

I will pray for Gods will to be done in your life Jordan. Whether that be healing, or leading you to an able physician who will give you proper treatment, it is not my prayer God will aid you in such and such a way—but that he will aid you.

Btw, if he does lead you to a physician, share the gospel with him :)

You are in my prayers.

Sean Hobson

 2007/4/1 19:11Profile

Joined: 2006/8/24
Posts: 59
Toronto, Canada

 Re: Strep Throat

Hi Jordan,

I will be praying for you for a speedy recovery. I had it back in Feb and it's not fun. My voice was so bad my own Dad didn't recognise me!



 2007/4/1 21:13Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: Strep

I would ask Sean what you would say to one in India or Africa who has no physician but Jesus.

I don't believe that He is too busy to care about every aspect of my, and everybody's life. I think trivial is a matter of opinion.


 2007/4/2 1:14Profile

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797


Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your prayers we are starting to feel much better. I was able to be up more today and I even had the energy to beat my brother in Monopoly. ;-)

Thanks again,


 2007/4/2 19:08Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Re: strep throat

Hello Jordan, I just happen to be visiting SI (while I am on a family vacation) but I saw your post about strep throat. My husband and my daughter had it before we were scheduled to leave. First I want to say that i do not doubt that God can heal when He wants- but I will also give my own family's testimony dealing with strep in he last 3 weeks.

My husband had a painful, painful sore throat 3 weeks ago and felt feverish and over all very bad. He runs a company and can not afford to take many sick days so after a few days he finally went to the Dr. (he has to be pretty sick to go to the Dr) anyway, they did not do the strep test right (didn't go back in the throat far enough- and he suspected it) but they said the test was negative. so he continued with feeling very bad over another week. just worn out and headache and of course, very painful sore throat. He was actually starting to see blood in in mucus(sorry). finally, after many days of the worst sore throat ever, his throat started to get a little better but then suddenly he had a very bad sinus headache and it wouldn't go away. he was also so worn out that he didn't think we could drive to visit his parents for vacation.

He went back to the Dr.s and they said he had a sinus infection now and finally put him on antibiotics. so he began the medicine immediately.

meanwhile the day he went to the Dr to finally get antibiotic, my 8 yr. old daughter stayed home from school with a fever and very sore throat. I had an idea that she might have strep throat and didn't want to leave for vacation if there was a possibility. So I took her into a Dr's Urgent care that evening and her temp was 101.9 and they said she definitely had strep. By now I was figuring that my husband had had it all this time and that they had misdiagnosed him. Strep is very contagious!

They prescribed her an antibiotic that she began taking that same night, the same night that my husband started his antibiotics. We were to leave the following afternoon.

The next morning both husband and daughter were feeling 95% better. Thank the Lord, my daughter only had to experience the pain for a few hours before being relieved of her fever and much of the symptoms. But my poor husband had to go for weeks in pain and really having his body be worn down by the infection from his missdiagnosed strep- which finally moved onto be a sinus infection as well. I don't know how much worse he could have gotten or what other secondary infections he could have developed if he hadn't gotten the antibiotics finally.

Again, I am not saying this to say that God can't heal. But I am also so very thankful for Dr's and antibiotics. My husband and daughter also feel so thankful!!! I feel like what happened - that we got it taken care of BEFORE we ended up leaving was still an answer to prayer!!! God is so good!!!!

On the subject of healing and Dr's. While I was here on vacation I had an incident happen with my eye. It was serious enough that I thought I might need to see a dr. or eye dr. I prayed about it and wondered why this was happening at this time. we were driving along today running some errands and my eye was getting worse. We drove by an eye-glass place (like Lens Crafters)that said it had an opthomologist on staff all the time. My husband suggested that we night stop by and just see if maybe they would see me even if it wasn't for glasses. Before he went in to ask, I prayed and asked for the Lord to give me favor with men and that they would let me come in just to check my eye out. My husband came running out and told me that she would see me and that there was no wait. Praise God!

I went in and she did all kinds of tests and found that under my eye lid I had a microscopic piece of sand imbedded in my eyelid (behind the lid) and she got it out in just a few seconds.I was so excited that God had done such a nice thing for me! No, he didn't 'heal it' Himself as in getting the sand to disappear, but I saw how His hand was upon the situation and He was glorified through it!

May the Lord be with you and glorify Himself through you.

In Him, Chanin


 2007/4/2 22:06Profile

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