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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : My Wife

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Joined: 2006/4/13
Posts: 58
South Central Kentucky

 My Wife

My wife is due to give birth April 23rd, but it seems this child might want to come a little earlier than that. She is starting to have actual labor pains. Pray all goes well! Thanks...

Kerrigan Skelly

 2007/3/29 18:36Profile

Joined: 2006/11/23
Posts: 397

 Re: My Wife

Sounds like great news! : )

Is it a he or a she?

P.S. Your signature image is in my understanding against SI policy.. you're advertising, basically.

 2007/3/29 18:38Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Brother Kerrigan,

I pray the Lord will have His hand upon the birth of your child and may He be a young firebrand in the hands of God.

I have removed the image from your signature as the other brother pointed out it is against the policies in the community rules to have a image in your signature.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/3/29 19:00Profile

Joined: 2006/4/13
Posts: 58
South Central Kentucky


Thanks for your prayers. The baby is going to be a girl. I apologize for breaking the community rules. I guess I didn't know about that. God Bless...

Kerrigan Skelly

 2007/3/29 19:56Profile

Joined: 2006/4/13
Posts: 58
South Central Kentucky


Well...looks like they are going to induce my wife this Wednesday, April 11th, if she doesn't go into labor on her own before then. She is dialated to 3. By the way, my son was born on the 23rd and our anniversary is on the 21st. Looks like this little girl is coming out early! Thanks for your continued prayers!

Kerrigan Skelly

 2007/4/9 22:59Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA


Praise God brother.

Mike Balog

 2007/4/9 23:44Profile

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