SALMON DETERMINATIONRegardless of the obstacles, salmon don't retreat. If we as people were determined in all our endeavors as a salmon is to spawn, we would also be more successful.(Arctic Roadrunner)
Maybe that's why Jesus made us fishers of men!I know, that was painful for me too!God bless.
If we as people were determined in all our endeavors as a salmon is to spawn, we would also be more successful.
_________________Mike Compton
Compton wrote:Quote:To be honest, looking back there are times when I wish I was less determined in some endeavors. I would have saved myself a few regrets. ;-) MCI know a secular business wrote this proverb, however we need to be this way in our pursuit of God. Salmon will reach their goal or die trying._________________KLC
To be honest, looking back there are times when I wish I was less determined in some endeavors. I would have saved myself a few regrets. ;-) MC
Your'e absolutely right GoldMiner. I understood you meant being determined towards the things of God. I was just sighing out loud at the folly of being so determined over worldy and foolish things. A recent post here used the metaphor of children spending all their energy to roll up a big snow man only to see it melt away the next day! (Sadly I can relate!)Blessings,MC
Goldminer wrote:SALMON DETERMINATIONRegardless of the obstacles, salmon don't retreat. If we as people were determined in all our endeavors as a salmon is to spawn, we would also be more successful.(Arctic Roadrunner)