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 The Uplifted Christ -torrey


[b]The Uplifted Christ[/b]

IN A RECENT ADVERTISEMENT OF A Sunday evening service in one of our American cities it was stated that there would be three attractions: a high-class movie show, a popular gospel pianist and his wife, rendered by a well-known prima donna. It is somewhat startling when an unusually gifted and popular preacher, or his advertising committee, thinks of the gospel of the Son of God as having so lost its power to draw, that it must be bolstered up by putting on a selection from a very questionable opera, rendered by a professional opera singer, as an additional attraction to help out our once crucified and now glorified Savior and Lord.

This advertisement set me to thinking as to what really was the great attraction to men in this day as well as in former days? At once there came to my mind the words of our text containing God’s answer to this question: “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself.” There is nothing else that draws like the uplifted Christ. Movies may get a crowd of empty-headed and empty-hearted young men and maidens, and even middle-aged folks without brains or moral earnestness, for a time, but nothing really draws and holds the men and women who are worthwhile like Jesus Christ lifted up. Nineteen centuries of Christian history prove the drawing power of Jesus when He is properly presented to men. I have seen some wonderful verification of the assertion of our text as to the marvelous drawing power of the uplifted Christ.

Oh! men and women, look now! See Jesus Christ lifted up on the cross, see Him hanging on that awful cross, see Him wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquities, and the chastisement of your peace laid on Him. Won’t you yield to that love, won’t you give up your sin, give up your worldly pleasures, give up your willful errors, and accept the Savior who loves you and died for you?

[i]R.A. Torrey (1856-1928) - World-wide evangelist used to bring many souls to Christ. Pastored Moody’s Church and school. Wrote many books that spoke on deeper life issues such as the Holy Spirit.[/i]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/3/15 15:42Profile

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