not but 15 min after I posted updated and prayer for my brother, he came home and I ask if he wanted to go the bible study with me. It went while. thank you so mcuh for your prayers. In his love charlene
Charlene,This is wonderful news!Will keep praying for all your requests, your health, your brother, your church, your friends.Blessings,Forrest
_________________Forrest Anderson
thank you.after the bible study. Me and my brother talked about the bible.It was good stuff. His health has been doing much better since he has been out of jail.charlene
Dougthis a neat thing you said. This should be how we see our sisters and brothers. It is wonderful.Makes me think of how much God loves me. Thanks telling me I am cherished by God, and reminding that there are those in the body who have never met me, and yet show such love. "you are cherished by our Lord and therefore cherished by his love charlene
I talked with my brother today. It seems he just as sick as me in many ways. I am so sad. I want him to be well. I Know I can't help him? He needs Christ. He needs brothers in Christ. Maybe a bible study in Tuscon. He isn't going to Church. He needs a reason to live, a vision. He needs something to drive, something to live for.have no purpose. I haven't been home now for 1/ 1/2. He just feels sick. He thinks about dying everyday.. after our father died, he thinks about it. He been haveing a hard time. He has fear that this sickness will not go away. He has been haveing little work. He to is struggling like me. I need wisdom how I can reach him with Christ. in his lovecharlene
Charlene-The best way to get back into life is to live for others. This will get the focus off of yourself and your sicknesses and do something for another.Anything done for another is something done for the Lord ...keep that focus and watch your lives take off. Use your simple gifts to Share His love and be blessed by the overflowthat willl engulf you.You and your brother are in my prayers.
_________________bill schnippert
I think this makes me cry, I want to say I have loved him. I have given up my health for him in some ways. maybe this my pride, I don't know,,but I feel I tride to love him. If I am wrong I repent and ask God to help me love deeper, and pray more him. I understand what is being said, but for some reason it is cutting into my heart. and I feel heavy of heart. Oh God help me.. I cry please take this which I carry I give it to you. I want to love more teach help me please