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Joined: 2005/12/8
Posts: 120

 How to share the Gospel?

vby sermonindex on 2006/9/12 8:52:09

An Interview with Leonard Ravenhill

comment on this page:

"I was blessed personally by this recording about 2 years ago and in result I have been led to start this online ministry primarly to spread the message of revival that characterized the life of Leonard Ravenhill. I cannot emphasize enough the spiritual revolution this interview of this men of God has had on my life. I pray it has the same impact on yours. God Bless you as you strive to hear the words of God in a day that they are scarce. In this video there are 2 fellows that are interviewing Leonard Ravenhill but primarly they just let him share his heart on revival and different men of God used in the past, many of who Ravenhill met or listened to as a child."

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(I don't know how to put just the link of the above post...)

So, at the beginning of this video, brother Ravenhill speaks a bit about being born again... and how to bring someone to God.
He gives an example of a giraffe which gives birth... and this birth takes about 3-4 hours...

He speaks about the importance to stay and teach the people who go to the altar... giving them the whole teaching they need for salvation...
Otherwise it can be only a mental decision without any real repentance.

Please let me know where I could find more about these principles, which he is talking about...
I would like to understand better how to share the Gospel to someone who wants to follow Him.
It's not just: Believe in Christ, go home and live for Him... you are saved from now on!?
Or... come to church on the next Sunday...

It's a real labor, much prayer, sharing the whole Truth of the Gospel... done by the power of the Holy Spirit.
If there is anyone who knows if brother Ravenhill (or others) explained about this... please share it with me.

Vasile Filip

 2007/3/13 11:27Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: How to share the Gospel?

I think you may find this series of messages from Denny Kenaston very helpful in the area of soulwinning...


You can find these same messages here on SI under the Denny Kenaston messages titled "Guidlines for Winning Souls".

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2007/3/13 11:48Profile

Joined: 2005/12/8
Posts: 120


Thank you brother, I've already started to listen to them...

Vasile Filip

 2007/3/20 10:19Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 224
Brumley Missouri

 Re: How to share the Gospel?

I have this interveiw with ravenhill, on video, which I obtain from about 10 years ago. What an awesome video it is.
L. Ravenhill, is one of my favorite authors. My Pastor loan me America is to young to die and Sodom had no Bible. After reading these books I had to council with my pastor as to wether or not I was truley saved.
turns out I was :)
I try to read all of the books I have of Ravenhill @ least once a year and I never tire of any of his sermons.

Now on sharing your faith with others:
Please do not get discouraged as you witness your faith. If you are doing it right you will more than likely be made fun of, people walking across the street to advoid you & ect.
I usely feel the person out listen to there problems and give biblical solutions. example " Do you have a christian background?"
You can start a conversation pretty quickly this way.

William Cato

 2007/3/21 22:05Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 224
Brumley Missouri

 Re: How to share the Gospel?

Dear vasilef, from the first time I watch the interveiw with Ravenhill and have watch many times since, this subject at the "alter of prayer"
with a new convert or a backslidder where he said it was not uncommon to spend four hours or more with one person until they came into a personal relationship with Christ has baffled myself.
I have ask diffrent pastors about this and have not recieved a real good teaching or explanation.
I really have to wonder if most pastors or evangelist, just do not care, really care about the spirit & soul of men or woman?
This statement is pretty harsh, however, it would explain the state of the Church today.

I have search the scriptures Acts mainley, and have not found much about this. I have heard old time preachers such as Spurgeon, White, Murray ect. write about praying through, this would entail praying until you have an answer.
So that is what I did... I pray through.

Here is the answer I recieved: Paul, preach Christ and him crusified. Men and women were saved and baptized with water and the Holy ghost.
Just the same as we are today.
However, without any bibles these new converts needed to know what they were being saved from.
this is the message that every Christian needs to hear to make a sound judgement about there salvation. And that message is the cross of Christ. It is by faith that we are saved in Christ.
I believe, that this is why a lot of people do not listen to anyone preaching the message of Christ. They have no faith. Every time a televangelist commits a sin such as adultry or homosexuality it is splatered across the televison newspapers and magazines. this really hurts and embarress the Church. People lose faith.

William Cato

 2007/3/31 11:20Profile

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