Brother,Am praying that all is well with Kenny B., and that you may be blessed for caring to care for him.Post again when you hae news.Blessings,
_________________Forrest Anderson
Well, I FINALLY received a letter from Kenny, and he says "I don't think I could define the way I feel or have felt for a while like you did" and went on to explain how he's had a worse life, etc. I feel disappointed, but know that it's not my job or place to Save anyone -- I can only sow the seeds, and I know God has His own plans for Kenny's life, regardless of my own.
_________________Mary M.
One of the greatest misconceptions of the Christian is that God always lead to success"-Oswald ChambersI'm sure I butchered that quote, but I hope you can still infer the point. Take courage brother, I commend you on doing something very few people (myself included and foremost) never do--communicate with those not of no relation behind bars. God has blessed your work, only have faith, and he will lead thee further.
_________________Sean Hobson