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Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Rich in spiritual experiences-brooks

Rich in spiritual experiences

The mature Christian is rich in spiritual experiences.

Oh! the experiences that he has . . .
of the ways of God,
of the workings of God,
of the word of God,
of the love of God!

Oh! the divine stories that old Christians can tell . . .
of the power of the word,
of the sweetness of the word,
of the usefulness of the word—
as a light to lead the soul,
as a staff to support the soul,
as a spur to quicken the soul,
as an anchor to stay the soul, and
as a cordial to comfort and strengthen the soul!

Oh! the stories that he can tell concerning . . .
the love of Christ,
the blood of Christ,
the offices of Christ,
the merits of Christ,
the righteousness of Christ,
the graces of Christ, and
the influence of Christ!

Oh! the stories that an old disciple can tell . . .
of the indwellings of the Spirit,
of the operations of the Spirit,
of the teachings of the Spirit,
of the leadings of the Spirit,
of the sealings of the Spirit,
of the witnessings of the Spirit, and
of the comforts and joys of the Spirit!

Oh the stories that an old Christian can tell . . .
of the evil of sin,
of the the bitterness of sin,
of the the deceitfulness of sin,
of the prevalence of sin, and
of the the happiness of conquest over sin!

Oh! the stories that he can tell you . . .
of the snares of Satan,
of the devices of Satan,
of the temptations of Satan,
of the rage of Satan,
of the malice of Satan,
of the watchfulness of Satan, and
of the ways of triumphing over Satan!

As an old soldier can tell you of many battles,
many scars, many wounds, many losses, and
many victories—even to admiration; so an old
saint is able to tell you of many spiritual battles,
many scars, many wounds, many losses, and
many victories—even to admiration.

Experimental religion is far beyond mere notions
and impressions. A sanctified heart is better than
a silver tongue. No man so rich, so honorable, so
happy—as the old disciple, who is rich in spiritual

"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they
will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the
house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts
of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age,
they will stay fresh and green." Psalm 92:12-14.


 2007/3/4 8:26Profile

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