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Joined: 2006/5/30
Posts: 94
Edmonton, AB, Canada

 A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life - William Law

For if salvation is only given to those who strive for it, then it is as reasonable for me to consider whether my course of life be a course of striving to obtain it, as to consider whether I am keeping any of the commandments.

If my religion is only a formal compliance with those modes of worship that are in fashion where I live; if it costs me no pains or trouble; if it lays me under no rules and restraints; if I have no careful thoughts and sober reflections about it, is it not great wekaness to think that I am striving to enter in at the strait gate?

If I am seeking everything that can delight my senses, and regale my appetites; spending my time and fortune in pleasure, in diversion, and worldly enjoyments; a stranger to watchings, fastings, prayers, and mortification; how can it be said that I am working out my salvation with fear and trembling?

If there is nothing in my life and conversation that shows me to be different from Jews and Heathens; if I use the world, and worldly enjoyments, as the generality of people now do, and in all ages have done; why should I think that I am amongst those few who are walking in the narrow way to Heaven?

This leaves me speechless...Lord, forgive me!

Brad Wright

 2007/3/2 15:31Profile

Joined: 2005/9/8
Posts: 60

 Re: A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life - William Law

I wish I had someone slap me with this statement at the beginning of my walk.

J. Buzza

 2007/3/2 16:57Profile

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