"The words of the wise are as goads." Ecclesiastes 12: 11.
THE believer is to persevere in his Christian course to the end of his life; his work and his life must go off the stage together.
The fearful are in the forlorn of those who march to hell (Rev. 21: 8).
O how uncomely a sight is it, a bold sinner, and a fearful saint!
Christ never lost a battle even when He lost His life.
He that hath God's heart cannot want His arm.
This goodly fabric of heaven and earth hath not been built, but as a stage whereon God would in time act what He decreed in heaven of old.
One Almighty is more than many mighties. All these mighty sins and devils make not any almighty sin, or an almighty devil.
A proud heart and a lofty mountain are never fruitful.
"Pray." But how? "Without ceasing."
"Rejoice." But when? "Evermore."
"Give thanks." For what? "In everything."
God will not have His kingdom, either in the heart or in the world, maintained by carnal policy.
When afflicted, love can allow thee to groan, but not to grumble.
Mercy should make us ashamed, wrath afraid to sin.
Whoever thou art, thou art base-born till born again.
Christ and Satan divide the whole world; Christ will bear no equal, and Satan no superior, and therefore hold in with both thou canst not.
Sin only sets Satan in the throne.
Sinners dying in their sins, cannot hope to have a better resurrection than they have a death.
Since man was turned out of paradise, he can do nothing without labour, except sin.
We must either lay self aside, or God will lay us aside.
Bernard used to say, when he heard any scandalous sin of a professor, Hodie illi, cras mihi. He fell today, I may stumble tomorrow.
A soul in meditation is on his way to prayer.
It is impossible for a naughty heart to think well of an afflicting God.
The great talkers of religion are oft the least doers.
Does thy heavenly Father keep so starved a house that the devil's scraps will go down with thee?
No truth but has some error next door.
No action so little, but we may in it do God or the devil some service, and therefore none too little for our care to be bestowed on.
It is not enough to have truth on our side, if we have not truth in our hearts.
Hypocrisy is a lie with a fair cover over it.
None sooner topple over into error, than such who have a dishonest heart with a nimble head. The richest soil, without culture, is most tainted with weeds.
Thou must live by thy faith, not another's. Labour to see truth with thy own eyes.
He that maintains any error from the Bible, bears false witness against God.
He that abandons the truth of God, renounceth the God of truth.
Error is short lived; "a lying tongue is but for a moment"; but truth's age runs parallel with God's eternity.
It is no matter what is the sign, though an angel, that hangs without, if the devil and sin dwell within.
Heaven is worth the having, though thou goest poor and ragged, yea, naked, thither.
The gospel, what is it, but God's heart in print.
The Christian's love to Christ takes fire at Christ's love to him. No such picklock to open the heart as love.
You never knew a man full of self-confidence and self-abasement together. The conscience cannot abound with a sense of sin, and the heart with self-conceit at the same time.
A temptation comes very forcibly when it runs with the tide of our own wills.
"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him" (Prov. 26: 12); of all fools the conceited fool is the worst. Pride makes a man incapable of receiving counsel.
Exercise thy faith, if thou meanest to preserve thy faith. We live by faith, and faith lives by exercise,
The devil is wily, thou hadst need be wary.
None long for heaven more than those that enjoy most of heaven.
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful" (Prov. 27: 6). God's wounds cure; sin's kisses kill.
Never think to find honey in the pot, when God writes poison on the cover.
Sin disturbs the inward peace of the soul and the outward peace of the world.
Thou knowest, sinner, already, the best of thy sinful pleasure, but not the worst of thy punishment.
If thou wilt play the mountebank, choose not the pulpit for thy stage.
The less conscience barks at present, the more it will bite when it shall be unmuzzled.
Either use the world as if thou usedst it not, or you will pray as if you prayed not.
The faster a man rides if he be in a wrong road, the farther he goes out of his way.
He that is impatient, and cannot wait on God for a mercy, will not easily submit to Him in a denial.
Man's words will not break thy bones.
Cease to pray and thou wilt begin to sin. Prayer is not only a means to prevail for mercy, but also to prevent sin.
Where God is on one side, you may be sure to find the devil on the other.
He that shows any kindness to a saint, is sure to have God for his paymaster.
The work of salvation cannot be done by the candle-light of a natural understanding, but by the sunlight of a gospel revelation.
God had Nero a closer prisoner than he had Paul.
Error is but a day younger than truth.
Christ passeth oft by palaces to visit the poor cottages. Pilate missed Christ on the bench, while the poor thief finds Him, and heaven with Him, on the cross.
Ignorance is the mother of persecution.
That book must be worth reading, that hath God for the author.
We must come to good works by faith, and not to faith by good works.
It was a charge long ago laid upon Christianity, that it was better known in leaves of books than in the lives of Christians.
It is better to die honourably than live shamefully.
It is easier to bow at the name, than to stoop to the cross of Jesus Christ.
The head may be ripe, and the heart rotten.
Prayer is a great heart-easer.
The sins of teachers are the teachers of sins.
_________________ CHRISTIAN