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Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 139

 Roy Daniel

Hi ive really been Blessed by Roy Daniel's sermons..I just listened to his sermons on feelings etc..He as a wonderful way of making things clear to me,simple but profound..

Does anyone know anything about Roy maybe a webpage etc,i know his Dad or G/Dad is Keith?..

thks in advances..



 2007/3/1 22:51Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Roy Daniel

Does anyone know anything about Roy maybe a webpage etc,i know his Dad or G/Dad is Keith?..

I believe he is going to be touring the USA with his father or seperately later this year. "joy courville" who is a member of the forums has alot more information about the possibily iternerary. If he does have a tour I will post it on the forums later this year.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/3/2 3:37Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 139


Hi thks for getting back to me..Im in the uk so not sure their come here..I was just wondering basic stuff really,what denomination they were etc..I wasn't even sure they were still preaching,as a search didn't show anything..

I heard Keith's abide sermon which was amazing sermon..He seemed a tad dismissive of David Wilkerson in one sermon,but maybe i read more into it then was there..

thks again andy


 2007/3/2 4:19Profile



strawrifle wrote:
Hi thks for getting back to me..Im in the uk so not sure their come here..I was just wondering basic stuff really,what denomination they were etc..I wasn't even sure they were still preaching,as a search didn't show anything..

Hi Andy,
Keith and Roy Daniel are missionaries in South Africa with the African Evangelistic Band. Once a year Keith comes over to the USA and does a tour during the months of September through November. For the past couple of years Roy has also been coming over and preaching at a few different locations. The tour for this fall is still in the process of being organized.
I don't think that Keith or Roy preach in the UK.
If you have any other questions please feel free to pm me.
Joy Courville

 2007/3/2 10:58

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 139


Hi thks Joy..ive just discovered their preaching on this site..I litened to Keiths sermons yesderday wowee he left me speakless(in a good way ;-))..I also listen to the sermon on America,i found that a bit tough to take in,his ideas on music seemed a tad extreame..But maybe thats somethings i need to address in myself..

GB andy


 2007/3/2 13:45Profile



strawrifle wrote:
Hi thks Joy..ive just discovered their preaching on this site..I litened to Keiths sermons yesderday wowee he left me speakless(in a good way)..I also listen to the sermon on America,i found that a bit tough to take in,his ideas on music seemed a tad extreame..But maybe thats somethings i need to address in myself..

GB andy

Yes, his sermons can be 'staggering' (that would be a term Keith would use). But keep listening. Brother Keith spends an incredible amount of time in prayer and the Word of God. When we spend that much time in the Word of God it does change our perspective on music and other issues of life...
Have you listened to 'My Godly Father' and 'My Godly Father-in-Law'?
One of the things that has amazed me the most about brother Keith is the way he quotes Scripture. You may not be able to tell on an audio message but he quotes large passages of Scripture word perfect...amazing...Check out The Sermon on the Mount, Daniel, 1 Peter, James.

 2007/3/2 14:09

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA


his ideas on music seemed a tad extreame..

I believe his views (on music) would be considered tame if they could be compared to the views of most of the saints that are so often quoted on this site, but that will never happen.

I also believe there are a lot more saints like Mr. Daniels out there than we think.

Just my 2 cents

I am glad you are being blessed from his preaching. Peace be with you.



 2007/3/2 14:12Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 139


Hi,the thing i noticed about Roy was he seems a very soft spoken and gentle person..It struck me that Gary Wilkerson is similar in how he differ to his Fathers style..Not that the message is wrong just different tone..aj


 2007/3/2 19:18Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 139


thks Joy i will check out the other sermons over the next few weeks..aj


 2007/3/2 19:21Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 258


they will leave you staggered till the day you die, don't doubt that! *thump thump thump* ;-)

 2007/3/2 19:43Profile

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