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Joined: 2005/8/8
Posts: 258

 Update on Art's Health

Mar. 1st, 2007

After nearly two months of respite, Art is once again experiencing a flare-up of inflammation that has attacked his joints. His knees are swollen and the leg area surrounding both knees is giving him considerable pain. At the moment, he is very nearly immobile.

He's at the moment (9:30AM Central Time) en route to the Bemidji Hospital for medical attention.

Be praying.

 2007/3/1 15:58Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: Update on Art's Health

Hi Hope!

Thanks for the update. We are praying.



 2007/3/1 17:07Profile

Joined: 2005/1/6
Posts: 2359
Hemel Hempstead


I think Art katz's sermons are the sermons that I download the most. I want to pray for him

Dominic Shiells

 2007/3/1 18:03Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 224
Brumley Missouri

 Re: Update on Art's Health

I will pray for Brother Art. I also feel that we all including Brother Art, himself, need to plea the Blood of Jesus, over this situation.

William Cato

 2007/3/3 15:59Profile

Joined: 2006/11/23
Posts: 397


March 2nd, 2007

We are pleased to let you know that the current flare-up was but momentary. The swelling on Art's knees has gone, the pain has subsided.

Thank you for your prayers.



 2007/3/3 16:23Profile

Joined: 2007/3/2
Posts: 69
Outback Australia

 Re: Art Katz

I had no idea of Art's sickness. His preaching has blessed our family for many years. Thank you for posting the link to the site Jordan. We will of course be praying for this wonderful man.


Ann - but everyone calls me Joy

 2007/3/4 15:07Profile

Joined: 2005/8/8
Posts: 258


We are pleased to let you know that the current flare-up was but momentary. The swelling on Art's knees has gone, the pain has subsided.

Thanks Jordan for sharing this blessed news. Besides my pastor, Art's teaching has had the most impact on my walk in Christ. So many times I have heard him say, "there must be something terribly wrong with me" when in some ministry or church situation where everyone seems so with it. It's so good to know I'm not the only one who has ever felt that way. Someone started a thread about knick names here a few days ago. I initially wanted to use the name pilgrim but it was already taken. It is a given we are pilgrims in the world but if I were honest I would have to say I feel like a pilgrim within the body of Christ at times too. Oh come Lord, come.
Still praying.

 2007/3/4 22:42Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: Art Katz, pray, pray & pray some more

I am so....blessed that Art is doing better. I love him tememdously. There is only one thing better than reading his books or downloading his sermons and that is hearing him in person. I pray he will once again be healthy enough to travel and build up the body of Christ. When he does pay special attention to his itinerary and go see him if he comes close to you. Awesome anointing. I am not lifting up the man because he gives all the glory to God, but even as they said of Jesus, never a man spoke like this.

I want to put in a plug once again for my favorite book of his. " Apostolic Foundations"
Get you a copy if you can.


 2007/3/4 23:03Profile

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