i thought i post this for it self, first i was going to post it in the John Angel James[url=https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=15239&forum=34]J.A James[/url] thread, witch i recommend his reading to everyone who wants to be challenged and seek harder after God
Saving faith
Saving faith expresses itself not only in worship, in religious zeal, in charity to the poorbut in a systematic and strong restraint upon the passions, imagination, temper, and appetites.
Saving faith will ensure you . . . the protection of omnipotence; the guidance of omniscience; the companionship of omnipresence; the supplies of all-sufficiency.
Saving faith will fill your intellect with the thoughts of God's own mind, and your soul with the joy of God's own heartand thus furnish you at once with the supreme truth, and the chief good.
Saving faith will mingle its own heavenly pleasures with the pure delights of earth.
Saving faith will preserve you equally from the snares of prosperity, and the withering blasts of adversity.
Saving faith will be . . . your nurse in sickness, your companion in solitude, and your preserver amid the corruptions of society.
Saving faith will be your shield against temptations to sin, and the insidious attacks of infidelity and false philosophy.
Saving faith will be . . . the guide of your youth, the protector of your matured life, and the prop of your old age.
Saving faith will prepare you for early death, or for living until old age. It will smooth the pillow of death, by giving you immortal hopes amid the dissolution of nature. It will rise with you from the grave in that day when death shall be swallowed up in victory, and will put you in possession of glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life!
_________________ CHRISTIAN