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Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 the tears want stop

My friend wrote this song today after talking to me last on the phone. It's an expression of what I was feeling and how it made her feel too. Any ideas for a title?

I fight in my prayers
I fight in my tears
A heart overcome
With grief I can't bear
I'm so broken inside
By the death that I see
There's no life in their hearts
Though they want to be free
I want to cry out
But would they hear?
Infected with sin,
They'd think me insane.
Oh God, I can't bear
Being torn apart...
Brothers and sisters
Why aren't you desperate for God?

I don't know what to do
All I can do is pray for you
My heart weeps over you
And the tears will not stop

When will you seek?
When will you find?
If your heart doesn't long
For the Lord God most high?
You love the world
And all that's within
Don't you see
What you need is Him?
You say that you see
But there are scales on your eyes
I've wept for you once
I've wept for you twice
On my knees
I fight for your life
When will you stop
Wasting your time?

I don't know what to do
All I can do is pray for you
My heart weeps over you
And the tears will not stop

When will you fall
On your soft knees
And beg your God
To come be with you?
Your days are numbered
Today is the day
To seek out your God
And find Him again
Let go of your pride
Repent of your sin
Call on the Lord
Let Him come in
Tarry in His presence
Bask in His love
You're totally missing
The reason Christ died.

He died to be with you
He died to give you life
He died so you'd glorfiy Him day and night.
He died to make you clean
He died to free you from sin
He died to pour out His power on those who'd ask Him!

I don't know what to do
All I can do is pray for you
My heart weeps over you
And the tears will not stop

My heart has been broken in prayer, All Sunday I was weeping. My cry was what will it take before they want God. My heart is weeping when I see so many not wanting to pray. My heart can't bear it, all I can do it is cry.
Leaders saing prayer is important but not making the time to come, my heart is crushed.
People claiming they want God move, but don't care about their sins. I see our love for the world, so much stronger then our love for God.
Please pray God will move our Church to love God. Please Pray for our leaders, will see pray as the most imporatnt thing. Please pray People will come on Firday to pray. Please pray for my prayer team Ceaser, Laura, Jon, Tim , david, me, Matt, Mike, Pray we will be filled with God's Holy Spirit. Pray we will seek God, with everything we have. Please pray we will let go of our worldly ways. Please pray we will also hate EVERY sin in our lives. Please Pray for laura, she will have wisdom in writing songs. And Jon if should go to China. and Ceaser would a powerful man of prayer. I weep over each of my brothers and sister.
In his love charlene


 2007/2/27 0:12Profile

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