Does anyone know of any sermons or articles that expose the seeker sensitive movement or that would be good to give to someone who was involved in that movement or went to that type of church??? I though that Paul Washer's "Modern American Christianity" might be good - any other suggestion???Thanks for the help,Patrick
_________________Patrick Ersig
I think that Carter Conlon has a few messages that would be good. Run For Your Life is one I can think of off the top of my head.
_________________Adam Moore
Our church is hosting a [color=990033]True Church Conference[/color] this May -- the objective of which will be to help bring churches back to being God-centered rather than centered around man's needs/desires. This has been a dream of our pastor's for years now. I don't know if your friend could actually come to the conference, but I'm sure all the messages will be available for download as soon as they're preached. Here's the website: Paul Washer will be one of the speakers.
_________________Jennifer Richardson
here is a great sermon on the subjectCharles Leiter-Superficial Faith
Thanks - I will listen to these. they have some articles
Patrick, here is a good article [url=]Seeker Sensation[/url]and there are a host of good articles written by Paul Proctor. He's written many articles on the Purpose Driven Church, the Emerging Church as well as the seeker-sensitive church.Here's another one entitled [url=]"Just Doing Church"[/url] and another one [url=]"The King Who Had No Clothes."[/url]
_________________Ed Pugh
I just listened to Carter Conlon's message from Times Square Church this last Sunday 2/25/07 "THE FINAL WARNING COMES IN PICTURES" very strong message to the church... warning of and to the false and the promises to those who Trust God.Pastor Conlon sings a song he wrote at the end.Anointed and TRUTH!