I am a real estate agent who has had one client in my stellar and highly successful career. This client is a family from my church. They are a wonderful couple with five children, all home schooled and incredibly well behaved. What an encouragement and blessing it has been to serve them.Our attempt to find them a house began over two months ago. They had been blessed with a small inheritance with which to make a down payment, but being a one income family means they must keep those payments low. They were about $5,ooo short of the pricing for the size of home they need.After several stops and starts they had an offer accepted. Everything felt like God's hand, from the location to the house to the generosity of the owners to the timing. It all looked perfect.Tuesday, my client lost his job. I have in my brief case the paperwork to have the contract cancelled. Tomorrow I take it to get it signed. I am devestated on their behalf. Please pray.Please, please pray.Thank you,In His Love,Doug
_________________Doug Fussell
I have always thought the life a real estate agent must be very difficult at times. You do all the ground work only to have it fall apart at the last moment. I am sure that the Lord's grace will see you through to many victorious sales.Now about your clients, they being Christians fall under this scripture:[color=9900CC]Psa 37:23 The steps of a [good]righteous man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. [/color]God knows more about the future than all the parties involved. They must trust Him with their future. I will pray for God to supply all thier needs according to His riches in glory. He will be faithful, He always is.Your heart of concern for these folks is refreshing.