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Joined: 2005/4/8
Posts: 220
New England USA

 Times Square Church on Cable Television

Times Square Church has finally allowed thier sermons to be broadcast outside of the local tristate area. For me this is an answer to prayer!! The wheels are set in motion and within the next few months, Times Square Church should be up and running in my area. There have been many road blocks along the way and the final step is a form that I need to have signed by local residents. I have to obtain signatures from residents stating that this is a program they would like to see on cable television. I am new to the area and do not fellowship in a local church, so I thought it would be a good idea to go to some local churchs. I've contaced a coulple today and they all have heard of David Wilkerson, but when I asked them to sign the form they said they were not interested!! One pastor signed the form, but I think it was just so I'd leave him alone. When I asked if there was anyone else in the church office who could sign the form, he basically said everyone was busy!!

I know by the grace of God, I will obtain the signatures I need, but I really am surprised by the reactions I've received by the local churches. I really thought they would all jump at the chance to spread the gospel, but sadly I was wrong. What I though would be the easiest part of the process, has turned out to be the hardest!


 2007/2/22 18:44Profile

Joined: 2005/8/1
Posts: 201
North West England

 Re: Times Square Church on Cable Television

You might get a better response going onto the streets and asking regular people after telling them that the preachers in TSC are Godly men, not the typical nuts you see on satelite. It may also open some conversations and opportunities for witnessing

I will pray for you and the ministry of TSC, over here in England, we have been blessed for years by their preaching.



 2007/2/22 19:14Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Times Square Church has finally allowed thier sermons to be broadcast outside of the local tristate area. For me this is an answer to prayer!!

This is tremendous may their God honoring, biblical messages be heard all over the world and this nation on TV.

I know by the grace of God, I will obtain the signatures I need, but I really am surprised by the reactions I've received by the local churches. I really thought they would all jump at the chance to spread the gospel, but sadly I was wrong. What I though would be the easiest part of the process, has turned out to be the hardest!


SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/2/22 21:23Profile

Joined: 2007/1/9
Posts: 108


This is wonderful I especially think its going to be awesome for so many to hear what William Carrol an associate pastor at TSC has to give hes a man of God and Prayer he brings so much out in his sermons. He defintley spends time with God and thinks does not just throw his type of preaching is rarety I suggest listening to some of his sermons to anyone. There are two on here like to see more and you can dl them at time sqaure website.


 2007/2/22 21:56Profile

Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952


I hope and pray, and ask Almighty God, to please let them broadcast in Ga.
Blessings to all.


Branded4him wrote:
This is wonderful I especially think its going to be awesome for so many to hear what William Carrol an associate pastor at TSC has to give hes a man of God and Prayer he brings so much out in his sermons. He defintley spends time with God and thinks does not just throw his type of preaching is rarety I suggest listening to some of his sermons to anyone. There are two on here like to see more and you can dl them at time sqaure website.

 2007/2/24 7:30Profile

Joined: 2005/4/8
Posts: 220
New England USA



I'm sure you can do it on your local public access television. Just contact TSC's multi-media office and they will get you started. That's exactly what I did. Two years ago, you had to be a member of TSC in order to do so, but they have recently chaned it so that anyone who is willing to can do it in their hometown.


 2007/2/24 17:52Profile

Joined: 2006/10/16
Posts: 80

 Re: Sermoms from 2/25/07 Times Square Church

These Men of God ... David Wilkerson and Carter Conlon are WARNING!!!!! PLEASE listen to these messages from Times Square Church from Sunday 2/25/07

The Final Warning Comes in Pictures ... Carter Conlon

The Dreadful Day No One Wants To Talk About .... David Wilkerson

 2007/2/27 21:44Profile

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