It's a chapter in my guide for exegesis which is trying to show traditions and intertexuality. And how even though the same thing may be going on in seperate books they may have nothing in common except the practice of a tradtion of in this case a ritual.Read Jerehmiah 34:8-18 and Genesis 15 before reading the next part :)Transformed OT TraditionsAfter identifying a tradition presupposed by a passage, we may discover that the tradition has been transformed or give a distinct twit from its regular, cultural usage. Genesis 15 records a "covenant" ceremony between Yahweh and Abraham (v. 18), but it offers no explanation for the mysterious ritual sacrifice described in verses 9-10 and the "smoking fire pot and a flaming torch" that "passed between these pieces" in verse 17. Insight comes from an unexpected source, namely a judgment ora judgement oracle in Jeremiah 34:18. The normal pattern in this strange ritual is that the human participants wish on themselves the fate of the dissected animals should they break their part of the covenant. But in Genesis 15 a mysterious "smoking fire pot" passes between the dissected sacrifices. The implication is that Yahweh, not the human part to the covenant thereby invokes the curse on himself! The Abrahamic covenant is thus presented as a conditional covenant, like the others, but the punishment for its infaction falls on God, not the human party.Wow! This was awesome...I now feel that while reading Galatians 3 I have a little better idea of what Paul was trying to get across. Awesome and amazing!!!