Poster | Thread | ChrisJD Member
Joined: 2006/2/11 Posts: 2895 Philadelphia PA
| The Bible ~ Various | | [b]Bible, Divinely Preserved: No Better Book[/b]
A society of gentlemen, most of whom had enjoyed a liberal education, and were persons of polished manners, but had unhappily imbibed infidel principles, used to assemble at each other's house for the purpose of ridiculing the Scriptures, and of hardening one another in their unbelief. At last they unanimously formed a resolution solemnly to burn the Bible, and so to be troubled no more with a book which was so hostile to their principles and disquieting to their consciences.
The day fixed upon arrived; a large fire was prepared, a Bible was laid on the table, and a flowing bowl ready to drink its dirge. For the execution of their plan they fixed upon a young gentleman of high birth, brilliant vivacity, and elegance of manners. He undertook the task, and after a few enlivening glasses, amidst the applause of his jovial compeers, he approached the table, took up the Bible, and was walking leisurely forward to put it into the fire; but, happening to give it a look, he was seized with trembling, paleness overspread his countenance, and he seemed convulsed.
He returned to the table, and, laying down the Bible said, with a strong assertion, "We will not burn that book till we get a better." Soon after this, the same lively young gentleman died, and on his deathbed was led to true repentance, deriving unshaken hopes of forgiveness and of future blessedness from that book which he was once going to burn. He found it, indeed, the best book not only for a living but a dying hour.
[url=]Bible, Divinely Preserved: No Better Book[/url] _________________ Christopher Joel Dandrow
| 2007/2/14 0:23 | Profile | ChrisJD Member
Joined: 2006/2/11 Posts: 2895 Philadelphia PA
| Re: The Bible ~ Various | | [b]A Pakistani Muslim comes Face to Face with Jesus Christ[/b]
A Pakistani Muslim comes Face to Face with Jesus Christ By Khalid Mansoor Soomro
Khalid Mansoor Soomro is from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. He was an ardent follower of Mohammed until the results of a challenge he laid out before some Christian students. Please read this powerful testimony of how this man was converted to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior!
And He said unto them: "Go into the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)
When I was 14 years old I was studying in a convent school at Saddar Karachi Pakistan. I belong to a Muslim family.
My parents forced me to learn the Qur'an by heart when I was seven and so I did. I had a lot of Christian fellows (or acquaintances) at school.
I was surprised to see them studying while I always found Christians of low profile in the society. I discussed and argued a lot with them about the accuracy of Qur'an and rejection of Bible by Allah in Holy Qur'an. I always forced them to accept Islam. Often my Christian teacher told me not to do so. He said, "God may choose you as he chose the Apostle Paulus." I asked them who is Paulus, I know Muhammad only.
One day during our discussion I challenged them to burn the Holy Books of each other. They should burn the Qur'an and I should do the same with the Bible. We agreed: "The book which would burn, would be false. The book, which would not burn, has the Truth in it. God Himself would save His Word." Unfortunately they were not ready to do this because they were frightened. Living in an Islamic Country and doing such a thing could lead them to face the law and meet its consequences. I told them I could do this by myself.
First I set the Qur'an on fire and it got burnt before our eyes. Then I tried to do the same with the Bible. As soon as I tried it, the Bible struck my chest and I fell on the ground. There was smoke all around my body. I was burning, but from a spiritual fire.
Suddenly I saw a man with golden hair, wrapped in light on my side. He placed his hand on my head and said to me "You are my son and from now on you will preach the Gospel in your nation. Go! Your Lord is with you."
Then I saw the stone on the grave, which was removed. Mariam Magdalene spoke to the gardener who probably took the body of my Lord. The gardener was Jesus Himself. He kissed the hand of Mariam and I woke up. I felt very strong as if when someone would strike me, I could not be hurt.
I went home and I told my parents about all what happened. But they did not believe it. They thought that the Christians got me under magic, but I told them that all this happened before my very own eyes and that many people were watching this. They still did not believe and they turned me out of my home and refused to accept me as their family member.
I went to a Church close to my home; I told the Father there all about what happened. I asked him to show me the Bible. He gave me one and I read about the event of Mariam Magdalene and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior on 02-17-85.
My Family refused to accept me. I went to various churches and got more knowledge about the Word of God. I also followed many Bible Courses and then I got a ministry.
Now after 17 years, I have seen many people come to the Lord and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Thanks to the Lord, I am now married and have a Christian family. Me and my wife Khalida are involved in the work of the Lord and able to share the miracles God has been doing in our lives.
Even though it is not easy and we face many hardships, we feel like Paul who went through hardships and suffering for the Glory of His Savior, who went Himself through suffering during His walk on earth and on the cross.
We thank God the Father for sending His Son to this earth and giving us free life through Him.
We thank God for His Spirit who encourages us day by day to live for Him.
[url=]Testimonies: A Pakistani Muslim comes Face to Face with Jesus Christ[/url] _________________ Christopher Joel Dandrow
| 2007/2/14 0:27 | Profile | ChrisJD Member
Joined: 2006/2/11 Posts: 2895 Philadelphia PA
| Re: The Bible ~ Various | | "These men want us to give up the Bible. What are you going to give us in its place? O, how cruel infidelity is to tell us to give up all the hope we have, to throw away the only book which tells the story of the resurrection."
[b]The Bible[/b] by D.L. Moody
People say this Bible was good enough for ancient days, but we have men of culture, of science, of literature now, and its value has decreased to the people of our day. Now, give me a better book, and I will throw it away. Has the world ever offered us a better book? These men want us to give up the Bible. What are you going to give us in its place? O, how cruel infidelity is to tell us to give up all the hope we have, to throw away the only book which tells the story of the resurrection. They try to tell us that it is all a fiction, so that when we lay our loved ones in the grave we bid them farewell for time and eternity. Away with this terrible doctrine! The Bible of our fathers and mothers is true, and the good old way is true. When man comes and tries to draw us from the old to the new way, it is the work of the devil. But men say we have outgrown this way. Why don't men outgrow the light of the sun? They shouldn't let the light of the sun come into their buildings; should have gas; the sun is old, and gas is a new light. There is just as much sense in this as to take away the Bible. How much we owe the blessed Bible! Why, I don't think human life would be safe if it wasn't for it. Look at the history of the nations where the Bible has been trampled under foot. Only a few years ago France and England were pretty nearly equal. England threw the Bible open to the world, and France tried to trample it. Now, the English language is spoken around the world, and its prosperity has increased, while it stands foremost among the nations. But look at France. It has gone down and down with anarchy and revolution. Let us not forsake the old way. _________________ Christopher Joel Dandrow
| 2007/3/4 8:53 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: | | An excellent way of commenting upon the Bible
(Thomas Watson)
"How I love Your teaching! It is my meditation all day long." Psalm 119:97
Chrysostom compares the Scripture to a garden, every truth is a fragrant flower, which we should wear, not on our bosom--but in our heart!
David counted the Word "sweeter than honey and the honeycomb". There is that in Scripture which may breed delight. It shows us the way . . . to riches: Deut 28:8, Prov 3:30; to long life, Psalm 34:42; to a kingdom, Heb 12:28.
Well then may we count those the sweetest hours which are spent in reading the holy Scriptures; well may we say with the prophet, "Your words were found, and I ate them. Your words became a delight to me and the joy of my heart."
Conform to Scripture. Let us lead Scripture lives. Oh that the Bible might be seen printed in our lives! Do what the Word commands. Obedience is an excellent way of commenting upon the Bible. "Teach me Your way, O Lord--and I will walk in Your truth." Let the Word be the sun-dial by which you set your life. What are we the better for having the Scripture--if we do not direct all our speech and actions according to it? What are we the better for the rule of the Word--if we do not make use of it, and regulate our lives by it? What a dishonor is it to religion--for men to live in contradiction to Scripture! The Word is called a "light to our feet" It is not only a light to our eyes to mend our sight --but to our feet to mend our walk. Oh let us lead Bible lives! Be thankful to God for the Scriptures. What a mercy is it that God has not only acquainted us what His will is, but that He has made it known by writing! The Scripture is our pole-star to direct us to heaven, it shows us every step we are to take; when we go wrong--it instructs us; when we go right--it comforts us. Adore God's distinguishing grace, if you have felt the power and authority of the Word upon your conscience; if you can say as David, "Your word has quickened me." Christian, bless God that He has not only given you His Word to be a rule of holiness--but His grace to be a principle of holiness. Bless God that He has not only written His Word, but sealed it upon your heart, and made it effectual. Can you say it is of divine inspiration, because you have felt it to be of lively operation? Oh free grace! that God should send out His Word, and heal you; that He should heal you--and not others! That the same Scripture which to them is a dead letter--should be to you a savor of life! _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/3/4 9:09 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: | | GOD'S WORD
by Spurgeon
"He sends forth his commandment upon earth: His word runs very swiftly" (Psalm 147:15).
No language ever stirs the deeps of my nature like the Word of God, and none produces such a profound calm within my spirit.
As no other voice can, it melts me to tears, it humbles me in the dust, it fires me with enthusiasm, it fills me with pleasure, it elevates me to holiness.
Every faculty of my being owns the power of the sacred Word.
It sweetens my memory, it brightens my hope, it stimulates my imagination, it directs my judgment, it commands my will, and it cheers my heart.
The word of man charms me for the time, but I outlive and outgrow its power.
It is altogether the reverse with the Word of the King of kings; it rules me more sovereignly, more practically, more habitually, more completely every day. Its power is for all seasons--for sickness and for health, for solitude and for company, for personal emergencies and for public assemblies.
I had sooner have the Word of God at my back than all the armies and navies of all the great powers, aye, than all the forces of nature; for the Word of the Lord is the source of all the power in the universe, and within it there is an infinite supply in reserve.
_________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/3/4 9:11 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: | | Reading the Bible
by J.C. Ryle
1. READ THE BIBLE WITH AN EARNEST DESIRE TO UNDERSTAND IT. Do not be content to just read the words of Scripture. Seek to grasp the message they contain.
2. READ THE SCRIPTURES WITH A SIMPLE, CHILDLIKE FAITH & HUMILITY. Believe what God reveals. Reason must bow to God's revelation.
3. READ THE WORD WITH A SPIRIT OF OBEDIENCE AND SELF-APPLICATION. Apply what God says to yourself and obey His will in all things.
4. READ THE HOLY SCRIPTURES EVERY DAY. We quickly lose the nourishment and strength of yesterday's bread. We must feed our souls daily upon the manna God has given us.
5. READ THE WHOLE BIBLE AND READ IT IN AN ORDERLY WAY. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable." I know of no better way to read the Bible than to start at the beginning and read straight through to the end, a portion every day, comparing Scripture with Scripture.
6. READ THE WORD OF GOD FAIRLY AND HONESTLY. As a general rule, any passage of Scripture means what it appears to mean. Interpret every passage in this simple manner, in its context.
7. READ THE BIBLE WITH CHRIST CONSTANTLY IN VIEW. The whole Book is about Him. Look for Him on every page. He is there. If you fail to see Him there, you need to read that page again
_________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/3/4 9:12 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: | | Of what value is all our knowledge of truth?
(Octavius Winslow, "Evening Thoughts")
Of what value is all our knowledge of truth . . . if it does not lead us to Jesus; if it does not expand our views of His glory; if it does not conform our minds to His image; if it does not increase our love to Him, if it does not quicken our obedience to His commands, if it does not quicken our zeal for His cause; if it does not mature us, by a progressive holiness, for the enjoyment of His beatific presence?
_________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/3/4 9:14 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: | | We need to re-study our Bibles
(John Angell James, "The Church in Earnest")
We need to re-study our Bibles, and learn what real Christianity is--how holy, how heavenly, how spiritual, how loving, how morally and socially excellent a matter it is. What separation from the world, what devoutness, what intense earnestness, what conscientiousness, what enlarged benevolence, what unselfishness, what zealous activity, what unearthliness, what seeds of celestial virtue--our profession of godliness implies.
Having examined this, and obtained an impressive idea of it, let us survey our own state, and ask if we do not need, and ought not to seek, more of the prevalence of such a piety as this, which, in fact, is primitive Christianity.
Is our spiritual condition what it ought to be, what it might be, what it must be--to fulfill our high commission as the salt of the earth and the light of the world? A Christian, acting up in some tolerable measure to his profession, walking in the holiness of the Gospel--is the strongest and most emphatic testimony for God to our dark revolted world, next to that of Christ Himself. _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/3/4 9:16 | Profile | Tears_of_joy Member
Joined: 2003/10/30 Posts: 1554
| Re: The Bible ~ Various | | Brothers, please if you find some similar stories about the bible, share them, I want to translate them.
I have one tract called "A Letter For You" , but not on english, inside is full of such short but powerful stories about the bible. I searched this tract on the internet, and the stories but I found nothing. The titles of the stories are something like: "Teared Bible", "Shot Bible", "Baked Bible", "Sold bible", "Ashamed Bible" ... |
| 2007/3/4 9:29 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: The Bible ~ Various | | The Golden Key! The Golden Thread!
from Octavius Winslow's, "Christ, the Alpha and Omega"
Jesus is the one great theme both of the Old Testament and the New. The whole Bible is designed to testify of Christ, "You search the Scriptures because you believe they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to Me!"
In Christ the Messiah, in Jesus the Savior, in the Son of God the Redeemer, all the truths of the Bible center.
To Him all the types and shadows point!
Of Him all the prophecies give witness!
While all the glory of the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, culminates at the cross of Christ.
The Bible would be an inexplicable mystery apart from Christ, who unfolds and explains it all.
He is the one, the golden Key which unlocks the divine treasury of revelation!
Until He is seen, the Bible is, in a sense, a great conundrum. But when He is found, it is a glorious revelation; every mystery opened, every enigma explained, every discrepancy harmonized, and every truth and page, sentence and word, quickened with a life and glowing with a light flowing down from the throne of the Eternal God.
Christ is the substance of the Gospel. All.... its divine doctrines, its holy precepts, its gracious instructions, its precious promises, its glorious hopes, meet, center, and fill up their entire compass in Jesus.
He is the Alpha and the Omega of the Bible, from the first verse in Genesis to the last verse in Revelation.
Oh, study the Scriptures of truth with a view of learning Christ.
Do not study the Bible as a mere history. Do not read it as a mere poem. Do not search it as a book of science. It is all that, but infinitely more. The Bible is the Book of Jesus! It is a Revelation of Christ!
Christ is the golden thread which runs through the whole!
The Old Testament predicts the New; and the New fulfills the Old; and so both unite in testifying, "Truly, this is the Son of God!"
Blessed Lord Jesus! I will read and study and dig into the Scriptures to find and learn more of You!
You, Immanuel, are the fragrance of this divine box of precious ointment.
You are the beauteous gem sparkling in this divine cabinet.
You are the Tree of life planted in the center of this divine garden.
You are the Ocean whose stream quickens and nourishes all who draw water out of this divine well of salvation.
The Bible is all about You!
_________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/3/4 9:37 | Profile |