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Joined: 2007/2/11
Posts: 9

 How did Satan sin?

If Satan was at one point sinless, how was it possible for him to sin?

If he was made perfect, and there was no sin in him, where could evil thoughts come from? where in Heaven, could any form of temptation, or a picking up of a bad attitude or any wrong influence to his thinking be found?

Eve sinned after she was tempted and lied to and decieved. She had no knowledge of evil, no imtimacey with it. Is it unreasonable to pressume that Satan, a creation of God, holy, also had no knowledge of evil? or did he? i dont know, just trying to get my head around this. Glad to hear everyones thoughts..

 2007/2/13 16:42Profile

 Re: How did Satan sin?

Others will probably do it better justice than me, but from what I know, God created the heavenly beings with a free will. Satan for some absurd reason got jealous of God and thought he could overthrow Him. Satan chose to do that.

 2007/2/13 17:22

Joined: 2007/2/11
Posts: 9


could it really be that simple? maybe im just trying to go deeper than i should.

i still can understand how a sinless heart could be jealous, i thought, he would utterly abhor any such thought that would enter his thinking? if he had the nature of God, wouldnt he despise and hate sin? how could an intelligent being reason that somehow he could have independance or victory over God? and why would he want to if God meet his every need, and fullfilled him, surely there is more to this.

 2007/2/13 18:50Profile

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA


Why did Eve take a bite of the apple?



 2007/2/13 18:56Profile

Joined: 2006/11/13
Posts: 121


I definitely wouldn't take too much time pondering this one, but its a good question.

I will say that before Satan was jealous, he was proud. read isaiah 14. it might quench some of your thirst about what happened.

Theologically however, only God knows!!! :)

Matt Chenier

 2007/2/13 18:58Profile

Joined: 2006/11/23
Posts: 397

 Re: How did Satan sin?

Yes it's very interesting to consider. I really don't know though. The Bible is not descriptive in describing the Angels. We really are left 'clueless' to much of their "history" and whatnot...

I mean, the important details are there, of course...

But how did Satan sin?... Not like us, but also like us... they had a free will like us. God didn't make robots, hehe. The temptation came from within... but that has boggled me too, because Angels don't have the flesh, that keeps us down, only the "spirit"..

Did Satan have a knowledge of Evil?.. Dunno.


 2007/2/13 19:15Profile

Joined: 2007/2/11
Posts: 9


thanks guys, more food for thought.

why did eve bite the apple?

the blank canvas of her mind had been messed up with satans brush strokes of temptation and lies. Her pure mind now had impure thoughts, in a way, thoughts of evil entered her mind before she took of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, maybe it was how she responded to satans voice.

did she have conscience before the fall? did she need one?

she knew not to eat coz God had told her, but the bible does say she was decieved, so , hmmmmmm, HHHMMMMMMM ponder ponder

Also, id heard that satan led a third of the angels in rebellion, is that true, i cant seem to find any reference to that, only bits in 1/2nd Peter and JUde about the angels who left there first abode, now why on earth would they want to do that??!! :-P

 2007/2/13 19:23Profile

Joined: 2004/12/3
Posts: 51

 Re: How did Satan sin?

Satan was the most beautiful, sang the loudest, shone the brightest of all the angels. Angels were created beings, created by the Supreme Creator. Angels at some point began, God the Father knows no beginning or end. Lucifer the chief angel sought the place of the Almighy, believing that his place in the heirarchy of angels entitled him to worship, which belongs to God alone. The Son of God came as a servant, to seek and to save that which is lost, the opposite of self-centered, selfish, self-entitled spirit of Lucifer.
The place of sin began in Lucifer's pride and that is the same sin that he brought to the garden. Eve saw the tree and desired the knowledge that she might become as God. If you examine the scripture carefully, Eve was not yet created when God gave Adam the commandment.

Satan has not changed his tactics, why should he, they work so well...
1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

I hope this was helpful


Richard E Lewis III

 2007/2/13 20:59Profile

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710


Sombody must enlighten me. Who says we have free will? I only see the will of man in two places.
Jhn 1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost.

All else I see is the Will of God. It is not my free will that I chose to be saved. It says iniquity was found in satan, where did this iniquity come from? By his own free will? He has no free will. We have no free will. OOOps I let the cat out of the bag now.

In Christ by the Will of God. Phillip


 2007/2/13 21:10Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 139

 Re: How did Satan sin?

Hi, I've also considered questions like this: e.g.. why did He create the devil if He knew he would betray Him etc..

I heard a very good sermon recently about evil before the creation..The pastor put forward the argument that because God is Good this creates the situation where evil must be at least possible i.e there can be no small if there's not a large etc..

Following on from that,he answered why did God not destroy Satan then and there..His answer was God had to let Satan's plans come to full fruition,as an example of what would result in going our own way,that if he hadn't it would result in the Angelic realm pondering "i wonder & what if"



 2007/2/13 21:31Profile

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