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Joined: 2007/1/9
Posts: 108

 Daniel Purposed in his heart!!

Daniel 1:8 But daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the kings meat nor with the wine which he drank , therefore he requested of the prince of eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

I ask today whats purposed in your heart whats purposed in my heart. Whats purposed in the Churches heart. Why it is amazing that God could take four young men and place them in the middle of a morally loose temple full of liscentiousness and idolatry. Yet keep them pure undefiled.But what I find particualary amazing is that out of all the men taken from Jerusalem only four stood for God this day. They were all jews children of the living God. They walked the streets of that holy city they seen ceremony after ceremony they heard story after story of God and what hes done with and for their forfathers. These are men that most likely prayed to God maybe even some sacrificed to God they spent much time in the Holy city of God holding true to the laws of God. Yet here it does not state all the men purposed in their heart not to defile but only three other along Daniel choose not to defile themselves before a holy God. All the others loosley take the the pagan traditions of babylon and its moral liscentiousness. Can this be true today 120 in the upper only four stood here yet all America today is saved and living pure before a holy God. Whats purposed in your heart? Whatever is purposed in your heart will bring forth your will our a crooked heart will flow a crooked will.

What does your heart breathe , sing and shout.
What dwells within the realms of your heart.
What have you purposed tonight in your heart.
Oh how we love to qoute Daniel 11:32 but never will this verse come alive or breathe life until we get verse 1:8 until we like Daniel in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation when all its morally loose values and views surround us we stand bold courageous for God and purpose in our Heart not to defile ourselves with the the worlds traditions. Instead we sing the same songs watch the sames televsion shows. We hangout at all the sames places. I say again tonight whats purposed in your heart.


 2007/2/10 21:46Profile

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