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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Concerning righteousness which is by faith

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Roaring Lamb said

I would like to know more about your belief that men can be just befroe God without Christ.

*Sigh* I didn't say this, Ormly said it. I was asking him to explain his position so that we can all judge it.

I know where he is coming from, but I wanted him to explain it further using scriptures.

I am not going to get into what I believe, but sufficient is to say using this verse.

Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.[b][color=CC0033]Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.[/color][/b]

 2007/2/7 20:45

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


Thanks Sermonindex for joining this discussion.

To all who are reading this, I apologize for all sarcastic and non-edifying remarks that I have made on this forum.

I enjoy the give and take on discussing doctrine and I pray that I do it in love and respect.

 2007/2/7 23:08Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 1519
Santa Cruz California


Brother if you have been convicted about sarcasm, then you should apologize, but from my point of view I see nothing sarcastic, nor ill-mannered in the things you posted.

patrick heaviside

 2007/2/7 23:31Profile

 My Lord.

I kind of [b]see[/b]what Doug(Ormly) is trying to say, and.....I've read thru the whole thread, and ...uh....its been tortuous to say the least.

I concur with Jay and Roaringlamb about the Need of Jesus for anyone borne of woman.

I don't understand that whole "Cal/Arm" thing as another brother put it, nor do I really want to, and Lord knows I have participated in my share of contentious threads, but dear Orm, father, two things, and in love, agape love, I say this:
covet and request the prayers of others, and secondly, dont unsubscribe, maybe a short hiatus...y'know, just to cool off. Because we are all not unaware of his schemes.

May God bless you Orm, richly, neil

 2007/2/7 23:56

 Re: Concerning the Righteousness which is by faith

Get out of the OT and place yourself in the jungles of South America or outer Mongolia....this century, any century.

Hi Ormly,

I don't think I've quoted anything from the OT. And I have lived in Africa with pagans, thank you - on a mission station.

 2007/2/8 17:00

 Re: My Lord.

so i see that ormly did unsubscribe, or was unsubscribed.

thats kinda sad.


 2007/2/8 19:08

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