Roaring Lamb said
I would like to know more about your belief that men can be just befroe God without Christ.
Thanks Sermonindex for joining this discussion.To all who are reading this, I apologize for all sarcastic and non-edifying remarks that I have made on this forum.I enjoy the give and take on discussing doctrine and I pray that I do it in love and respect.
Brother if you have been convicted about sarcasm, then you should apologize, but from my point of view I see nothing sarcastic, nor ill-mannered in the things you posted.
_________________patrick heaviside
I kind of [b]see[/b]what Doug(Ormly) is trying to say, and.....I've read thru the whole thread, and ...uh....its been tortuous to say the least.I concur with Jay and Roaringlamb about the Need of Jesus for anyone borne of woman.I don't understand that whole "Cal/Arm" thing as another brother put it, nor do I really want to, and Lord knows I have participated in my share of contentious threads, but dear Orm, father, two things, and in love, agape love, I say this:covet and request the prayers of others, and secondly, dont unsubscribe, maybe a short hiatus...y'know, just to cool off. Because we are all not unaware of his schemes.May God bless you Orm, richly, neil
Get out of the OT and place yourself in the jungles of South America or outer Mongolia....this century, any century.
so i see that ormly did unsubscribe, or was unsubscribed.thats kinda sad.neil