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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 A.B. Simpson~ Devotional (march)

[b]March 1st - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
Wait on the Lord. How often this is said in the Bible; how little understood! It is what the old monk called the "practice of the presence of God." It is the habit of prayer. It is the continual communion that not only asks, but receives. People often ask us to pray for them and we have to say, "Why, God has answered our prayer for you; now you must take the answer. It is awaiting you, and you must take it by waiting on the Lord." It is this that renews our strength until we "mount up with wings as eagles, run and are not weary, walk and are not faint." Our hearts are too limited to take in His fullness at a single breath. We must live in the atmosphere of His presence till we absorb His very life. This is the secret of spiritual depth and rest, of power and fullness, of love and prayer, of hope and holy usefulness. Wait, I say, on the Lord. I am waiting in communion at the blessed mercy seat; I am waiting, sweetly waiting on the Lord; I am drinking of His fullness; I am sitting at His feet; I am hearkening to the whispers of His Word.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/2 23:01Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: A.B. Simpson~ Devotional (march)

[b]March 2nd - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
God gives to us a power within which will hold our hearts in victory and purity. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us. It is the Holy Spirit; and when any thought or suggestion of evil arises in our hearts, the quick conscience can instantly call upon the Holy Spirit to drive it out, and He will expel it at the command of faith or prayer and keep us as pure as we are willing to be kept. But when the will surrenders and consents to evil, the Holy Spirit will not expel it. God, then, requires us to stand in holy vigilance, and He will do exceeding abundantly for us as we hold fast that which is good. He will also be in us a spirit of vigilance, showing us the evil and enabling us to detect it and to bring it to Him for expulsion and destruction. O Spirit of Jesus, fill us until we shall have room only for Thee. Oh, come as the heart-searching fire, Oh, come as the sin-cleansing flood; Consume us with holy desire, And fill with the fullness of God.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/2 23:02Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


[b]March 3rd - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
God seems to love to work by paradoxes and contradictions. In the transformations of grace, the bitter is the base of the sweet, night is the mother of day and death is the gate of life. Many people want to have power. But, how is power produced? The other day I passed the large powerhouse where the trolley engines are supplied with electricity. I heard the hum and roar of countless wheels, and I asked my friend, "How do they make the power?" "Why," he said, "Just by the revolution of those wheels and the magnetic friction they produce. The friction creates the electric current." In this same manner, when God wants to bring more power into our lives, He brings more pressure. He is generating spiritual force by friction. Some of us do not like it. Some of us do not understand. We try to run away from the pressure instead of getting the power and using it to rise above the painful cause. O troubled soul, beneath the rod Thy Father speaks-be still, be still; Learn to be silent unto God, And let Him mold thee to His will.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/2 23:54Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


[b]March 4th - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
Blessed secret of spiritual purity, victory and joy, of physical life and healing and all power for service! Filled with the Spirit there is no room for self or sin, for fret or care. Filled with the Spirit we repel the elements of disease that are in the air as the red-hot iron repels the water that touches it. Filled with the Spirit we are always ready for service, and Satan turns away when he finds the Holy Spirit enrobing us in His garments of holy flame. Not half-filled, but filled with the Spirit-this is the place of victory and power! It is not only a privilege; it is a command. And He who gave it will enable us to fulfill it if we bring it to Him with an empty, honest, trusting heart and claim our privilege in the name of Jesus and for the Glory of God. Holy Ghost, I bid Thee welcome; Come and be my Holy Guest; Heavenly Dove within my bosom, Make Thy home and build Thy nest; Lead me on to all Thy fullness, Bring me to Thy Promised Rest, Holy Ghost, I bid Thee welcome, Come and be my Holy Guest.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/3 23:34Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


[b]March 5th - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
Christ has overcome for us every one of our four terrible foes: Sin, Sickness, Sorrow, Satan. He has borne our sin, and we may lay all, even including our sinfulness itself, on Him. He has borne our sickness, and we may detach ourselves from our old infirmities and rise into His glorious life and strength. He has borne our sorrows, and we should not even carry a care, but rejoice evermore and even glory in tribulations. And He has conquered Satan for us, too, and left him nailed to the cross, spoiled and dishonored, a shadow of himself. And now we need only claim His full atonement and assert our victory, and so [overcome] him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). Beloved, are we overcoming sin? Are we overcoming sickness? Are we overcoming sorrow? Are we overcoming Satan? Fear not, though the strife be long; Faint not, though the foe be strong; Trust thy glorious Captain's power; Watch with Him one little hour, Hear Him calling, "Follow Me, I have overcome for thee."

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/4 22:26Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


[b]March 6th - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
Faith is hindered by reliance upon human wisdom, whether our own or the wisdom of others. The devil's first bait to Eve was an offer of wisdom, and for this she sold her faith. Ye shall be as gods, he said, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5); and from that hour she began to know and she ceased to trust. It was the spies who postponed the Land of Promise to Israel. It was their "evil report" after searching out the land that led to the awful outbreak of unbelief and effectively shut the doors of Canaan to a whole generation. It is very significant that the names of those spies are nearly all suggestive of human wisdom, greatness and fame. So in the days of Christ, it was the bondage of the Jews to the traditions of their fathers and the opinions of men that kept them back from receiving Him. How can ye believe, He asked, which receive honour one of another; and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? (John 5:44). Let us trust Him with all our hearts and not lean upon our own understanding.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/6 11:23Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


[b]March 7th - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
How shall we know the difference between earthly and heavenly love? The one centers on ourselves and is partly our ego seeking its own gratification. The other reaches out to God and to people and finds its Joy in glorifying Him and blessing them. Love is unselfishness, and the love that is not unselfish is not divine. How much do we give to others, and how much do we take for ourselves? What is the center of our being-ourselves, or our Lord and His people and work? May the Lord help us to know more fully the meaning of that great truth, It is more blessed to give than to receive. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it (Mark 8:35). Have you found some precious treasure? Pass it on. Have you found some holy pleasure? Pass it on. Giving out is twice possessing, Love will double every blessing, On to higher service pressing, Pass it on.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/6 22:36Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


[b]March 8th - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
Prayer is the mighty force that will move missionary work. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest (Matthew 9:38). We are asking God to touch the hearts of men every day by the Holy Spirit, so that they shall be compelled to go abroad and preach the gospel. We are asking Him to awaken them at night with the solemn conviction that the heathen are perishing and that their blood will be upon their souls. God is answering that prayer by sending persons to us every day who feel that the king's business [requires] haste (1 Samuel 21:8). Beloved, pray, pray, pray. And as petitions rise to the heavens there will be a period of silence in heaven, and the coals of fire will be emptied out upon the earth, and the coming of the Lord will begin to draw nearer. Pray until the Lord of the harvest shall thrust forth laborers into His harvest. Send the coals of heavenly fire, From the altar of the skies; Fill our hearts with strong desire, Till our prayers like incense rise.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/8 1:19Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


[b]March 9th - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
Many Christians are in the place that the Lord has appointed them, and yet the devil is harassing their lives with a sense that they are not quite pleasing the Lord. If they could just settle down in the place that God has assigned them and fill it faithfully and lovingly for Him, there would be more joy in their hearts and more power in their lives. God puts us in various places to serve Him, and the secret of accomplishing the most is to recognize our place as designated from Him and our service in it as pleasing to Him. Even in the great factory or the complex machine there is a place for the smallest screw and rivet as well as the great driving wheel and piston. So God has His "small parts" whose business is simply to stay where He puts them and to believe that He wants them there and is making the most of their lives in the little spaces that they fill for Him. There is something all can do, Tho' you're neither wise nor strong; You can be a helper true, You can stand when friends are few, Some lone heart has need of you, You can help along.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/10 0:57Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


[b]March 10th - Days of Heaven on Earth[/b]
It is not peace with God, but the peace of God that [keeps our] hearts and minds. The peace which passeth all understanding is the very breath of God in the soul. He alone is able to keep it, and He can so keep it that "nothing shall offend us." Is this your experience? God's rest did not come until His work was finished. Nor will ours. We begin our Christian lives by working, trying and struggling in the energy of the flesh to save ourselves. At last, when we are able to cease from our own work, God comes in with His blessed rest and works His own divine will in us. Oh! have you heard the glorious word Of hope and holy cheer? From heav'n above its tones of love Are lingering on my ear; The blessed Comforter has come, And Christ will soon be here. Oh hearts that sigh, there's succor nigh, The Comforter is near; He comes to bring us to our King, And fit us to appear. I'm glad the Comforter has come, And Christ will soon be here.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/10 21:09Profile

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