And do not complain as some of them did and were destroyed by the destroyer. (1 Cor. 10:10)Complain: to utter expressions of grief, resentment, uneasiness, or pain; to lament, murmur, or find fault. (Webster's Dictionary)Do you complain? Don't be too quick to answer this one. Think about it for a minute. What are your comments about the weather usually like? How do you speak about your spouse? What kinds of things do you say about your job? Do you complain about someone who didn't treat you the way you thought you should be treated? Almost everyday I hear complaining. Religious people are some of the biggest culprits. Examine yourself in this. Are you thankful for cold weather, hot weather, rainy weather, cloudy weather, and sunny weather? Do you complain when it snows a lot or when there is an ice storm? Have you ever complained when the weather "ruined" your plans? "A man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps" (Prov. 16:9). Are you truly content with what the Lord determines for you?In 1 Corinthians 10 we read about the Israelites after they had been delivered from Egypt. In verse 10 we read that some of the Israelites complained and that God was angry enough to destroy them. Under what circumstances did the Israelites complain? On one occasion they went without water for three days. One time they found water, but it was bitter. They complained when they didn't have food. They complained when they had manna, but no meat. Put yourself in their situations. Do you think that you would have a right to complain about lacking water for three days or eating the same food day after day after day? God sent severe judgments for complaining even in situations that we might think it justified to grumble.How much more do people deserve the wrath of God who complain about minor complications such as the weather (sent by God) or another person being inconsiderate.These things happened to them as examples and were written down for warnings for us...Therefore, if you think you stand firm take heed lest you fall (1 Cor. 10:11-12)From : The Revolutionist His Bondservant Forever In Christ Jesus \0/ :-?