Poster | Thread | KingJimmy Member
Joined: 2003/5/8 Posts: 4419 Charlotte, NC
| Street Evangelism & The Ghetto? | | Hi,
I'm in the process of considering doing open-air street evangelism in a very rough part of town, along with a group of people from a homeless shelter I regularly minister at. It's in a part of town where the police are even reluctant to go out to when called. I was wondering if anybody could give me some possible "street advise" for those of you who have ministered in more dangerous contexts?
Also, what do you think of practical issues like wearing a bullet proof vest and the like?
God bless. _________________ Jimmy H
| 2007/1/17 16:24 | Profile |
| Re: Street Evangelism & The Ghetto? | | I've been ministering in the worst parts of inner-city Detroit for about a year now.
We generally take hot food and clothes (in the summer we'd grill it up on the spot, in the winter now we cook hot soup and take it in coolers that keep it hot), set up our stuff in the middle of the worst spots we can find and that congregate large amounts of homeless and gangs, and line them up. Then we preach open air hot and strong. Then we minister to them individually and pray for them.
It's been a blessing. We've seen the Lord move in power, tremendous conviction go forth, people delivered from demons, and a few healings take place. Many have repented since we began. Here's a video of me preaching under the city where some of the homeless sleep:
Here's the rest of our videos:
Shoot me an email if you want to talk more: [email protected] - Brother Patrick and I would be more than happy to help in any way we can.
And don't worry about bullet proof vests! Detroit has some of the highest crime stats in the country and we've not been beat up, stabbed or shot yet! Trust in Jesus! Read Psalm 91. We get persecuted more in the churches than we do on the streets ministering to the gangsters, criminals and crackheads in the slums of Detroit.
My advice is simply do it and don't fear. You will learn as you go. And dedicate yourself to much prayer and fasting if you want to see the Lord move in power. Preach the power of God to break the bondage of sin and lift up the banner of Jesus. Let your theme be "Holiness unto the Lord" and let your voice cry aloud and spare not! |
| 2007/1/17 21:43 | | KingJimmy Member
Joined: 2003/5/8 Posts: 4419 Charlotte, NC
| Re: | | Thanks for the video of you preaching in Detroit and your comments. It is helpful and encouraging to know you are ministering in such a rough area and haven't suffered harm. As I mentioned to somebody else recently, the worse thing that could happen is that I could get shot and wakeup in heaven.
I am going to pray and talk with the people from the shelter that are interested in going, and make sure it is something they really want to do. If so, and God is sending us out into the surrounding neighborhood, then I will build them up a bit and equip them for the work of evangelism. As it is, I won't probably be able to commit to such a thing very long term, as God has as of a couple months ago, called me to do missionary work in another part of the state, of which I plan to start doing that work within a few months.
So, at best I will train them up to be evangelists for a short season so that they can do the work of the Lord in this area when I'm no longer able to.
_________________ Jimmy H
| 2007/1/17 22:51 | Profile | revivalnow Member
Joined: 2005/1/30 Posts: 12 Paterson Nj
| Re: Street Evangelism & The Ghetto? | | Its time to change and Go too them!
As I start a New Year, I need to write down some of my thoughts. This past year has been really hard for me, I have had so much vision with so many road blocks, and brick walls that can only be removed by God. I lost almost all my remaining printing business, I lost my daughter, she left married, without my blessing, and almost lost my wife, but for her love, and the grace of God.
I have looked deep into my own heart and seen roots of sin, and self that have to be removed by a deep heart repentance. My heart is sick of sin, in my heart, and in the hearts of Gods people, it is not till we lose all the distractions of this world that we can really see how poor we really are towards God. I believe we have been sold bill of goods in the church of just pray this prayer, and your saved, but have not been dealing with the roots of sin. So the America church is selling us " the America dream" life stile, but has failed to totally change the heart.
As I have walked the streets of the City I see in this land a large gap that is just as bad or worse in the Church it is a gap between the haves and the have nots. It like the end of a Monopoly where the haves take all and the have nots lose everything, because no one cares. I am seeing it in a very graphic form on the streets of Paterson. Yes these men have messed up and fallen because of sin, but if one should want to repent and get out of the hole, all we have given them are words, and have not given them a rope strong enough to pull themselves up, its mostly too little to late, so they full back down the same hole again. Today there are many needy persons in the city church. Have we cut Acts 4:32 - 36 from our Bibles? Yes some in the church tithe about at an average 2% but have not seen the deep needs of the single mother, or the man I dropped off yesterday to a house with no windows or door. I have become close to some of these men and believe they can turn around, if they could get a little help now!
A few years ago I was able to bring blankets to many homeless in Jersey City, but some did not make it though the cold winter that year! If we do not do all we can, just rip the book of James out of the Bible too!
_________________ Ian Grinyer
| 2007/1/20 14:19 | Profile |
| Re: | | Matthew 28:19-20 - '19[b]Go[/b] ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, [u]I am with you always, even unto the end of the world[/u]. Amen.'
The key word is [i]go[/i]. People in rough areas probably won't come to you. Notice that Jesus didn't say, 'Let them come to you, and make disciples of all nations.' No.
If you go, and you do this in order to give glory to God, and share the incredible news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, He Himself has promised that He will be with you, 'even unto the end of the world.'
God bless you. |
| 2007/1/20 16:36 | | KingJimmy Member
Joined: 2003/5/8 Posts: 4419 Charlotte, NC
| Re: | | Indeed, the church is a "go" structure, not a "come" structure. Recently a local pastor I know of, who ministers at a church of about 400+ people, built a large extension onto their current church. Now they can easily sit well over 1,000 people, perhaps even more. Very nice building.
Only problem is his vision was that this church would serve truly as a preaching center, and that they would fill the place up. After an initial influx of people who came to the church out of curiosity, the church has returned to it's normal size. While I am sure the pastor was sincere in his vision, and truly wants to reach the world for Jesus, his vision seems to have been a "come" structure, instead of one that is "go."
So, unless his members become very active in their personal evangelism activity, or he becomes an even more dynamic preacher (of which he already is pretty strong), it seems their church will probably not attract a whole bunch of people.
_________________ Jimmy H
| 2007/1/20 23:33 | Profile |
| Re: Street Evangelism & The Ghetto? | | Jimmy, Quote:
Also, what do you think of practical issues like wearing a bullet proof vest and the like?
no, you wont need it.
and may God bless this ministry |
| 2007/1/21 6:08 | |