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Joined: 2007/1/15
Posts: 2

 Loving the Lord ...

Can someone recommend how to love the Lord. I want to pray out of love , witness out of love, go to church out of love for the Lord etc...

 2007/1/15 20:28Profile

 Re: Loving the Lord ...

I'd recommend getting on your knees right now and ask the LORD for the advice you just asked from us. When alone in the shower, ask Him again. When you're walking to work or school, ask him again. Ask Him when you're cooking vegatables, when you're cleaning the house, working on the car, shoveling snow, cutting grass.

Keep bugging him like a child asks his parents for a new toy. So long as you ask for good toys, he'll get them for you. Don't ask for guns.

 2007/1/15 22:16

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