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Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Kevin Connor's excellent teaching

I have noticed that there is a lot of interest on this sight in end time prophecy.

A number of years ago I was priviledged to take a Bible school class on Genesis by Kevin Connor. Wow the understanding of this awesome man of God.

Since that time I have been blessed to read a number of his books, one on the tabernacle of Moses and also Daniels 70 week prophecy. I just thought some folks on this forum might be blessed as much as I was by them.

Here is his web site.

( these comments on the book from his site )

The Seventy Weeks Prophecy
The author believes this vital prophecy is the 'key' to the subject of Eschatology. Whatever one's view of The Seventy Weeks is, determines one's interpretation of the Books of Daniel and Revelation. The author looks at the Dispensational, A-Millennial and Christian Millennial viewpoints.


 2007/1/15 13:30Profile

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