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Joined: 2005/12/9
Posts: 150
Cleveland, OH


Anyway, I'm a month shy of 18 years old, so I'm still a youth, and I can tell you this: Feed 'em the real stuff! I may be young, but I can appreciate good preaching when I hear it. If it challenges me, it's good. I'm a big fan of Ravenhill's preaching. I love listening to David Wilkerson. Most of the time it's not the youth-oriented preaching that satisfies me: too much of it is playing down to us, and some of it is even covering it in sugar so it doesn't taste so bad going down. That kind of stuff doesn't challenge me at all. If I'm going to listen to preaching, I'm going to listen to preaching, regardless of whether or not the sermon is directed at young people. Just give them regular sermons from various people (within reason, of course). Call to Anguish is a good one. Revival Hymn is another. I'm fond of lots of them. Comps are probably my favorite thing to listen to, though.

This is my opinion also. I am a month shy of ninteen and have the same feelings. Give them meat and not milk. Youth are as willing to learn if one is willing to preach to them, and not try to dance, string guitars, dress up in funny clothes trying to "relate" to are condition. I'll list the names of some preachers I recommmend, and you go to their audio pages and download whater is starred, or featured on the top 20 downloads.

David Wilkerson
Zach Poone
Paris Headreid
Paul Washer
Art Katz
Corrie Ten Boom
Ian Paisly
Alan Carins
A W Tozer
K.P. Yohannan
B.H. Clendennen
Vance Haver
Ray Comfort
Rev John Wagner(may have to go to for him)
Rolf Benard(check out the God of the bible kills people sermon)
Finally, check the compilations, there pretty good. Avoid the worldly ones with worldy background music.

Sean Hobson

 2007/1/17 10:00Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 258


I first came to this site looking for a sermon that someone had told me about, "Revival Hymn" actually!
I was richly blessed after listening to that and so I began listening to other of these godly sermons.
I had listened to many of these preachers before, but now I was able to "get to know them" a lot better, and then also to find men I'd never heard of before.

I appreciate many of these godly men, especially Keith Daniel and Leonard Ravenhill. I started listening to these sermons when I was probably 15 or so (now I'm a month shy of 18), and I must say that they've had a great impact on my walk with God.
The comps are great, but yeah, you have to be careful!

Hey, and God bless you brother as you serve the Lord.


 2007/1/17 12:14Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Zac Poonen has some very solid teachings for youth here on SI. You'll have to plow through the hundreds and hundreds of messages in his archive to find them, but they are there. The Lord has endowed Poonen with an astonishing measure of supernatural wisdom which I have yet to find in any other Bible teacher. Any youth or adult who hears (and puts into practice) this man's teachings will profit in the Lord exponentially.

Brother Paul

Paul Frederick West

 2007/1/17 12:29Profile


Finally, check the compilations, there pretty good. Avoid the worldly ones with worldy background music.

This is good advice.

Compilations can be stirring, but many of them are not worth listening to.
Before adding any of those to your library, it's best to check them all for any signs of the world, whether it be in music or even in false teaching. There was one that I listened to a while back that had parts that didn't line up with Scripture. No worries, it wasn't one that I found here on SI... It was a really random one.

 2007/1/17 13:52

Joined: 2006/9/23
Posts: 212


Well, thanks to all for your advice and encouragment! I will put in many of the sermons by the people you recommended.

And finally, how encouraged i am to find that there are so many young people on this site who love good God centred preaching. I praise the Lord for it. Perhaps the future is not so bleak after all.

Be encouraged young people, keep devoting yourselves to the Lord wholeheartedly, escape the corruptions of this world and its amusements which will stiffle all the spiritual life you have if you let it. Give your whole body, soul and Spirit to Jesus Christ and serve your creator all the days of your live.

If many of us devote ourselves to Jesus Christ and the furtherance of His glory and Kingdom in the world then we can make an impact on this world in our generation for the glory of God. Oh the day when the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.


George Platt

 2007/1/19 6:19Profile

Joined: 2006/10/18
Posts: 125
u.s.a. /

 Re: Good preachers for youth?

when i was 19 and got saved it was from listening to a preacher who was at least 60.

his age did not matter to me what spoke to me was his sincere love for God and his love and concern for me.

the youth do not need someone to appeal to thier flesh and be cool like them they need to see someone who is more like Christ then the world and someone who is different and possesses something that they need.

keep up the great work it sounds to me like you realy have a heart for these young people.
have you listened to Carter Conlon from New York and Pastor David Wilkerson.

they preach truth, and grace along with holiness.I think there messages would challenge your youth!

God bless.... :-)

 2007/1/19 9:36Profile

Joined: 2006/9/23
Posts: 212


Yes I have heard some David Wilkerson's Sermons and i like him particularly because he seems to really the truth in love. Carter Conlon I have not heard yet, but I will have to listen to him now!

George Platt

 2007/1/19 10:35Profile

Joined: 2006/6/10
Posts: 668
Northern Rockies, BC, Canada


"Christ Our Life" out of Abbotsford, BC, Canada has some excellent comps done with very thought provoking sermons that flow beautifully with their music. I think you can find a few here at SI, or check out their [url=]website[/url]. I love their "Do You Want Revival?" comp!
I think the youth will also appreciate sermons by Vance Havner, AW Tozer, Denny Kenaston, Keith Daniel and Chuck Smith, to name a few.
God bless you,


 2007/1/19 11:38Profile

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