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If I read all that correctly, Jeff, I must say you have been shown something of the way of intimacy with the Father.

I trust when I say that it is an excellent piece of understanding given you. Thank you.


 2007/1/19 6:29


From Karl Barth concerning the Grace of God:

"God Himself, makes Himself the gift, offering Himself to fellowship with the other, and thus showing Himself in relation to the other to be the One who loves. ...Between the gracious God and him to whom He is gracious there must not be intruded the gnosticising conception of grace as a mediatorial sphere. Everything depends here on the immediacy of the relation and on the fact that the being and action of God, of whom we are thinking, is really God's essentialis proprietas and is understood as God Himself who, as He is Himself and acting according to His nature, is gracious."

"...grace is not merely a gift of God which He might give or not give, or an attribute which might be imputed to Him or not be imputed. No, grace is the very essence of the being of God. ...God Himself is in it. He reveals His very essence in this streaming forth of grace. this action He interposes no less and no other than Himself for us. ...In this action He is manifested in the whole majesty of His being. ...If we find and recognize and receive His grace, we find and recognize and receive no less and no other than Himself."

Church Dogmatics. II, 1, pgs. 354 and 356

 2007/1/19 7:39

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