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Joined: 2006/12/23
Posts: 248
Montana USA

 Blessed are they that mourn

Church or "churchianity", Wheat or Tare, repentant or unrepentant, Christian or merely religious? Many are the questions during this time, this season, this point of life where there are so many things both past and present that have confused, darkened and poisoined the mind of humanity; both of the regernerate and the unregenerate. (for you theologions I simply mean those who have been born again and those who have not.)

Tho, even if many are the questions that we ask and wrangle with each other over, I wonder....
If the Lord Jesus Christ were right at this moment speaking to your heart.....
What would He ask you?
Many were the questions that mankind have asked each other, and many were the questions they have asked God; but what of the questions God asked man?
"Adam, where are you?"
"Wilt thou be made whole?"
"What is that there in your hand"
"Children, have you any food?"

For me, the Lord would ask, "Did you weep over that which has broken my heart? Do you hate what I hate and love what I love? Did you mourn during the season to mourn and rejoice in that which is right to rejoice? Have you had mercy on that which I would have mercy and have you rejected that which I have rejected?"

And through the ages the very Word of God, stood on this earth addressing a mortal man and asked of him:
"Peter, do you love me?"

May the Lord Jesus Christ focus our eyes on that which is so vitally important to see, clearly. And that which may be seen, though darkly, I pray that the Holy Spirit Himself speaks to hearts and minds that will "rightly" hear Him.

Lori Salyer

 2007/1/13 19:00Profile

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 Re: Blessed are they that mourn

Brother, thank you for sharing your heart. Your words blessed my soul.

 2007/1/13 19:45Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Re: Blessed are they that mourn

Good word. Thank you for sharing it. :-)

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2007/1/13 23:19Profile

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