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Joined: 2006/10/11
Posts: 116

 A Personal Witness Encounter, Part 12

I would like to share more of the many witness encounters that we have experienced last year and now 2007, to try and encourage those that are strong and mature in the faith, to also take up the Great Commission and try and reach lost souls for the Lord Jesus Christ, because 150,000 people die EVERYDAY, that's 7,000 an hour!


A drunk, a female vicar, a calvinist and an old brethren brother, took up most of our time today. With weather being wet and windy, and with people still getting over the Christmas period, our weekly outreach was a little more quite than usual. However, our first customer of the day was good old Mr. Kirk. We’ve tried to witness to this old sinner for some time now, but he’s too drunk to understand what we tell him, and unable to articulate what he thinks of us and our message. Although one can pretty much guess. Thankfully he did take our tract.

Next up our “female priest.” For a person of the cloth she barely stopped to offer us any support or feedback. I asked her if she were Born Again. Yes, she replied. I told her how I used to be a Catholic and nobody had told be about being Born Again, hence why I asked if she was. She looked indifferent. She then said she knew Born Again Catholics. I told her there’s no such thing. Catholics are trusting in Mary and the Mass to save them, not Jesus alone. She looked puzzled and had no real answer for me. I then told her that when Catholics do get saved, they should leave the Catholic church. At this stage, she waved her hands in the air and said she disagreed and ran off. Happens all the time when you talk to people in the ecumenical movement.

Moved locations and met up with an old brother in the Lord. We introduced him to another preacher friend of ours in the town. Regrettably, the next 20 mins or so were wasted while they both debated the TULIP and other issues. During this time, a young Gothic, who has made base with one of our friends, rather surprised me when she came over and said hello, with two friends in tow. This was a great opportunity to witness to this troubled girl, but I was in the middle of a ping-pong game, with both brothers refusing to give any ground. Only after I got home did it dawn on me that such valuable time, which may never come back, was wasted.

There’s a time to do this type of debate, but I resent it when it cuts into street outreach time.

Finally, I was able to record a brief video testimony (preached to a small crowd) of my leaving the Catholic church and world of music. For those interested, its now online to view.

 2007/1/13 14:55Profile

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