I was just wondering, did you get the ok from the moderators to ask for finances on the forum?Just wondering.Also, as Christians, our faith and trust and confidence should be in God, not people.If you were to take a leaf out of George Muller's book, he never asked for finances, but believed God to provide, and God did.The same God still works in that way today.Also, are you meant to go, or do you want to go?What I mean is, have you prayed this thing through, to the fullest extent?Even without a job, God will provide the money if you are meant to go.Does God want you to go?If you are meant to go, God will provide the money, even if it is just the day before!He does work like that.Even though it is a great opportunity, and it is the right thing to do, be 100% certain that God want you to go.I hope He does, and I pray that things go well for you.God bless.
I was recently rejected from a mission organization because I had a moderate ammount of debt. One of the things I realized is that sometimes as much as I'd like to rush out and do missions I need to put my house in order before I can do so. I was provided with a job where I get a regular wage and comission, this year I have dedicated the money I make with commission towards paying off my debts so that I can go to the mission field later.You may also consider selling some of your posessions! We don't always have to look outward for money, sometimes it's in our own living rooms... and if you're serious about missions you may not need the latest play station or a taylor or martin guitar... I would also recommend that you read Brother Andrew's book God's Smuggler and see how God provided for all of his needs to goto the mission field! It's an amazing story of God's provision.Now I'm not going to say that it is always wrong to ask for money, there are plenty of incredible missionaries doing work around the nation that have to send out support letters to their friends and family -the difference between them and most people is that they would probably do the work even if they didn't have the money and suffer for the sake of the Gospel.
_________________Ian Smith
I apologize for the briskness that my note may have shown, I also feel the strong call to missions... I've been reading the testimonies of Brother Andrew, KP Yohannan, Brother Yun, Elizabeth Elliot, Keith Green and being very encouraged. I wanted to share with you what God has shown me in particular in my situation. I quit my job with a Fortune 50 company in Sept and spent the next several months unemployed working doing everything from clearing brush to doing data entry, or just trying to get a job and burning through my savings... before I quit my job I had applied for admission to a mission organization, when the word came back that I hadn't been accepted I was pretty bummed.Then God provided me with a job in a Christian ministry the provides for my needs, less so than what i recieved from the fortune 50 company, but I've learned to appreciate money in a whole new way through my months of unemployment. I made a commitment when I took this job that I would adjust my lifestyle to live based on what I made with my hourly wages and to put anything I made from comission towards my debts!So far for the month of January I've made more than five hundred dollars in commission! God is so good! They said that the last person who took my position didn't get this kind of response when they started, so I know that I'm within the will of God.The reason I share this with you is because I know your heart, I have the same heart for missions! I just wanted to share that sometimes when the money doesn't come falling out of the sky onto your lap it's because God want's you to slow down and wait upon him!Of course there's urgency, you need to put out the nets and I understand that, I also wanted you to know that you may have those means within your grips as well! Jesus opened my eyes to show me how blessed I was materially and I had to sell some of my cherished posessions during the darkest hours of my unemployment to make rent. I still have even more that I could sell, and probably will some day because possessions will only slow me down from my goal!