Poster | Thread | DREi Member

Joined: 2007/1/3 Posts: 10
| Women in Ministry? Absolutely! | | To make it clear that women have a right to be evangelist and pastors, as well as prophets, teachers and apostles, read this please. Copy the link below and read the article. |
| 2007/1/11 21:52 | Profile | Keisman Member

Joined: 2005/5/30 Posts: 4 Zion, IL
| Re: Women in Ministry? Absolutely! | | Thank you so much for posting this! My mom has an amazing anointing to teach. God has truly gifted her, but she has constantly run into barriers because of wrong traditional teaching. She has felt what is the point of God giving her the gift to teach if she isn't allowed to minister the gift he gave her. I just sent my mother the link to that article and I know that will just encourage the socks off of her! God Bless you! _________________ Stuart
| 2007/1/11 22:16 | Profile |
| Re: Women in Ministry? Absolutely! | | My only disappointment with sermonindex is that there aren't more mp3 testimonies by Jackie Pullinger! I've learned as much from the 4 or so hours of her testimony as I have from the hundreds of sermons I've listened to by pastors - preaching has it's place, but it's no substitute for testimonial experience. I could listen to that angel's voice for a week straight...
Helen Roseveare's testimony broke my heart and filled me with such hope that, in some ways, I almost think women ministers of Christ can, in many instances, be more effective than men.
Lest we forget that a woman asked Jesus to perform His first miracle. And when the apostles ran from Him during His Passion, His female disciples stayed faithfully beneath the Cross.
Thank you LORD for Christian women!
-Corey |
| 2007/1/12 2:00 | | Yeshuasboy Member

Joined: 2006/6/10 Posts: 668 Northern Rockies, BC, Canada
| Re: | | Did not Hudson Taylor give responsibilities to women in his ministries back in his day? I believe so :-D ... and if my memory serves me correctly, wasn't the founder of this very website, Greg Gordon, was not his aunt a missionary to the Inuit peoples of Northern Canada? I wonder what that dear woman could say concerning these topics that have so much sprung up on these forums lately concerning women in ministry? Not to put you on the spot Greg, but really brother, any advice your aunt would have concerning the role of women in ministry would be appreciated... by me anyway. God bless you all, richie
_________________ Richie
| 2007/1/12 2:21 | Profile |
| Re: | | Women can play a very important role in ministry... but not as pastors of a church, ie. the head of a church body. Scripture is very clear about this, and the early church did not have women leading churches in practice.
The link you posted has some correct teaching in it, but also some teaching that is very shakey. Whoever this guy is, his exegesis is not too great. Anyone can declare themselves an "authority", but it doesnt make them so. Myself included.
Krispy |
| 2007/1/12 7:34 | | ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Keisman,
My heart goes out to your mom....mind if I give a suggestion?....I am a female, you know. I suggest she look for other ways to serve others. Look around and see what needs to be done and go do it! It may not be something so very distinguished, but that is ok. The little things need to be done. If you do this you will find immense satisfaction in knowing you are pleasing to Him who has called you. Our natural human nature wants to be in the limelight and receive lots of recognition, praise. When you are called by God, he will provide you with opportunities to serve, if you do not care whether you get any recognition or not.
This is what I do and it works. Someone has said a lot more could get done if no one is concerned about who gets the credit. So I would urge her to go do the little things, do not wait to be asked and see what happens.
Blessings to her... ginnyrose _________________ Sandra Miller
| 2007/1/13 18:03 | Profile | tjservant Member

Joined: 2006/8/25 Posts: 1658 Indiana USA
| Re: | | Quote:
KrispyKrittr wrote:
Women can play a very important role in ministry... but not as pastors of a church, ie. the head of a church body. Scripture is very clear about this, and the early church did not have women leading churches in practice.
Very true Mr. Krispy. I have learned much from women teachers, but it is Biblical that they not be pastors.
In His Service
_________________ TJ
| 2007/1/13 18:39 | Profile | roadsign Member

Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: Wait on God | | Quote:
My mom has an amazing anointing to teach. God has truly gifted her, but she has constantly run into barriers because of wrong traditional teaching. She has felt what is the point of God giving her the gift to teach if she isn't allowed to minister the gift he gave her.
Hi, Keisman, Its a delight to see meet someone like you who expresses such words of thoughtfulness for his Mom.
I believe that the gifts in Romans 12:6-9 apply to the saints in general. Obviously the church flourishes best when these can flow freely according to the Spirit. However the religious structure can restrict any of them in ungodly ways. Yet, our gifts belong to God, along with our entire lives. He is our Master. He can enable gifts to be exercised as he chooses and when he chooses. There are plenty of testimonies that prove that. No religious power can resist Gods power when he is at work in his saints female or male.
When the door is closed, as it is for your mom, it may very well be that God desires this in order to draw her into a season of quiet learning, quiet trust and intimacy with Him. That is far more important than the use of any gift. Seek him first!
And when he does open the doors, it may not look anything like she expects. It may be outside of the traditional church setting all together. It may be in the home, the community, with women, or children, one-to-one, or crowds, or internet. It certainly does not need to be in Sunday church setting, as we so often falsely assume.
(Frankly, I don't like the expression "in ministry". I'd prefer it be: "in life" )
May God bless you as you continue to honor your mom.
_________________ Diane
| 2007/1/13 18:55 | Profile | Yeshuasboy Member

Joined: 2006/6/10 Posts: 668 Northern Rockies, BC, Canada
| Re: | | Here is a well informed and insightful audio message preached by David Cloud called [url=]Women In The Work Of God[/url]. Enjoy :-D The Lord bless you spiritual Bereans out there, richie _________________ Richie
| 2007/1/14 8:08 | Profile | ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Diane wrote:
Yet, our gifts belong to God, along with our entire lives. He is our Master. He can enable gifts to be exercised as he chooses and when he chooses. There are plenty of testimonies that prove that. No religious power can resist Gods power when he is at work in his saints female or male.
My mom has an amazing anointing to teach. God has truly gifted her, but she has constantly run into barriers because of wrong traditional teaching. She has felt what is the point of God giving her the gift to teach if she isn't allowed to minister the gift he gave her.
I have been thinking a lot about this issue since the original post about women teaching....and now this one, so it still keeps me thinking! Perhaps she is not looking at the right places to teach? How about teaching children? R.C. Sproul is a popular teacher, writer, and he loves to teach young children, I think as young as 5 year olds. He teaches them doctrine and has done it for years. If this great man can do it, can we females not do the same? Certainly!
Personally, I used to not enjoy teaching children, especially when mine were little...reckon I had enough to do in caring for them - I wanted something different for a change! But I loved teaching and taught adult women during this time. Now that I am a grandmother and the opportunities to [formally] teach adults does not exist in our church, I teach children and love it! A few years ago I taught a junior class of kids the inductive method of Bible Study! (I taught them James and Revelation.)I wrote up my own lessons, printed them with my printer and shared it with them. During the same time I challenged them to Bible memorization, to memorize the entire book of James. One little girl, who is an adoptee from India, memorized and recited the entire book in one setting with no errors! She went on to do the same with 1 John, Sermon on the Mount, and Jonah (made a few errors on this one because she was pressed for time to recite it)! Presently she is working on another portion but is not telling anybody what it is until she is ready to recite.
My point is that chldren are very impressionable and excellent students and it seems to me we are doing everyone a grave disservice by ignoring this needy field of service. You will have to think a tad bit differently, but with the Holy Spirit working in your heart you will find it very enjoyable and delightful.
Now I better go study the lesson more that I am expected to teach this morning!
Blessings, ginnyrose
_________________ Sandra Miller
| 2007/1/14 9:08 | Profile |