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Joined: 2006/10/11
Posts: 116

 A Personal Witness Encounter, Part 11

I would like to share more of the many witness encounters that we have experienced last year and now 2007, to try and encourage those that are strong and mature in the faith, to also take up the Great Commission and try and reach lost souls for the Lord Jesus Christ, because 150,000 people die EVERYDAY, that's 7,000 an hour!


Taking Lizzie (my friendly terrier) for company - she's a brilliant icebreaker - we hit one of the local coastal towns and witnessed to four young lads (around 16 years of age.)

The first boy said his mother was 'deeply religious.' I didn't go into this, but asked if any of them (looking at all four) believed in God. Three said yes and one wasn't sure if there was a God.

The first lad (Peter) believed in Jesus Christ being the way, believed in Heaven and Hell, so I asked him where he thought he'd go, he said "Heaven, I hope" (he thought he was a pretty good person.) I said his mates might think him a good person, but all have fallen short of the Glory of God. None of us reach God's standards, He is so holy, that no sin enters into Heaven. Peter still thought he would get into Heaven though.

So I had him doing the good person test, using a smart card. Have you heard of these? The card is supposed to change colour if you're a good person! Of course it never does. Sometimes teenagers will say, "Can I have another card, this one doesn't work!” Well, Peter failed too (and miserably) much to his mates' amusement. I then centred in on all four lads and explained about repentance and receiving Christ, not just believing in Him (even the Devil believes.) I asked Peter, who gave me the impression he had received Christ, who was number one in his life and had to smile when he said his mother! Answer should have been Jesus.

I gave them tracts, a clear Gospel message, a ten commandment coin (it has the good person test on its reverse side) to the quiet lads - just in time - for another one of their mates came along, thought the account rather amusing and hurried the boys off to catch their bus. They were nice lads, three very quiet but attentive lads and Peter the talkative one.

Please pray that they take on board the seriousness of their situation.

 2007/1/11 11:08Profile

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