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Discussion Forum : General Topics : "WHY We NEED A CRASH" - Andrew Strom - COMMENTS?

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Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178


Dear RobertW,,

Thank you so much. I will certainly check it out.


 2007/1/12 10:32Profile

Joined: 2006/6/10
Posts: 668
Northern Rockies, BC, Canada



sermonindex wrote:
I have been very blessed of recent to watch this timely video by Keith Daniels:
[b]The Power of Prayer (video)[/b]

Hey thanks for posting this video.... this indeed is a timely word.... excellent sermon from a humble saint. Love brother Daniel... not agressive and militant, but humble and assertive. We need more saints like this where much fruit of the Spirit is evident from love to self-control. Blessed by his sermons... thanks again for posting this one on this thread.


 2007/1/12 15:30Profile

Joined: 2005/2/8
Posts: 112


Indeed, crashing is inevitable for any civilization, especially a democracy. But, I have heard so many sermons about an "impending crash", that really worried me, and then found out they were 15 or 20 year old messages?????

I think as Christians, we need to be content with being successful in our endeavors, and set aside some as we prosper, and be content with being homeless as well.

But, there have been times in my walk when I have resisted the direction I have felt the Lord was leading because of fears of uncertainty. Now, I am just content with uncertainty, content that Jesus will be with me "whether I am abased, or whether I about", and try to be diligent in seeking Him AS WELL as working with my hands that which is good, so that I may have something to give.

I have wrestled much with these issues, and have come to the conclusion that Christ in me is what God is looking for (I mean that in the most real sense, and not in the superficial way that it so commonly gets thrown around). But Christ in me is pleasing to God, and bears fruit....not choosing a life of poverty or seeking after riches or somewhere in between. Many rich men have been very godly (Abraham, Joseph, Cornelius), and many poor people have been quite wicked.

For myself, I have found that focusing on Christ in me, the hope of glory, is far more fruitful than worrying about ups or downs..which may happen. It also has kept me free from bondage which I once subscribed to over things like buying a cup of coffee or eating out or things like that. I just do what I need to do, and pray for the Lord's leading in it all, but my focus is now mroe on Christ as opposed to other things, not that they can't be a hindrance (riches can be, obviously).

 2007/1/12 17:44Profile

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924


this is most interesting...i feel like bro Greg that a crash is not a prerequisite for revival. evidently some have been drawn out by God already without need for it. but the majority are indeed enthralled by mammon and have no option at this point but to repent in reaction to a crash. God's prophets have long been preaching repentance for the kingdom of God is at hand and just as it was in the days of old, God's people largly didn't believe/care and went on like before and received judgment. in those days, like now there was a remnant who didn't need a sweeping judgment to get right, but like it was then, the majority needs it.

bro Jaysaved i shared on a thread called prophetic credentials 3 what i believe our Lord showed me concerning this crash if you wish to take a look at it. at first i thought i was nuts, at least till i began to notice that more and more saints seemed to be seeing/saying the same thing...unless a bunch of us are deceived in the same way, we're headed for judgment...we shall soon see.

Farai Bamu

 2007/1/15 13:41Profile

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