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Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


I understand how looking at the church from the natural eyes would appear to point to money, but thats kinda simplistic. I personally believe that the problem goes deeper than that. I believe that most pulpits are the problem and that the cause of that problem can be many sided. Here's what I mean, In church "A" there could be an ambitiuos pastor who sees people and the offerings they bring as a means to an end. So he institutes a user friendly church. This church would be money, maybe ambition, pride??? Greed? But in church "B" there's an elder who has much influence and has limited the direction and vision of the church. Here we have a power struggle among other things. Get where I'm going? Each church is different, The bottom line is that God the Holy Spirit wll not go where He is not welcome and He will not lead by force because He's so, so meek. Jesus said "and I , if I [b] be [/b] lifted up", it's our responsibility to do the lifting. I believe that the individuals in the body can pray an change everything.

As to America, America isn't going to see a sweeping national revival that transforms all of society. America will see pockets of revival one town or city or portions of a city at a time. Prehaps even an entire state, but I doubt that, unless it's a smaller populated state, like say S.Dakota. I know that that runs counter to everything all the prophets are saying across the land, and I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.



 2007/1/11 17:56Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


I do agree with Andrew on the point that America is not ready for a financial crash and many Christians are clinging to "mammon" and these unecessary things so when the crash comes they will be caught unawares and fall with it.

Is this what he was saying? I must have misread it. I thought he was saying that America needed a crash as a prerequisite to revival!?!

Andrew Strom posted
We have become selfish and lazy.
The reason I believe we are getting this crash is because we
DESPERATELY NEED IT. Otherwise there can be no Revival.

Ron Bailey

 2007/1/11 18:06Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Is this what he was saying? I must have misread it. I thought he was saying that America needed a crash as a prerequisite to revival!?!

:-) oh yes! he was saying that also. I agree that if a "crash" does happen that will very likely bring something of a revival or renewed devotion amongst many at least for a short time. That happened during 9/11. But I do not agree that this is the only prerequisite for revival. I do think that God's last measure would be to allow a whole nation to crumble to get their attention. But sadly this might be the only thing that will wake up [b]many[/b] Christians in America. I do think this article draws upons some very worthy concepts and thoughts. But we don't need a fiancial crash we need to seek God afresh as the Church of Jesus Christ today and God forbid that such woeful times would have to come upon America.

I have been very blessed of recent to watch this timely video by Keith Daniels:

[b]The Power of Prayer (video)[/b]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/1/11 18:16Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


Dear RobertW,

I think it is interesting the lengths to which folk have defied God even in the face of pending doom.

This, and the word that you shared here brings to mind so strongly a verse which I first took notice of in reading one of the articles here at SI around the time I first joined. It is from the 110th Psalm, and it reads in part

[i][b][color=000000] Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power...[/color][/b][/i]

and of Whom it is speaking, of Whose power, of Whose day it says...

[i][b][color=000000]"Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek".[/color][/b][/i]

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2007/1/11 18:42Profile

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri


Hi Chris,

This passage is an interesting reminder of the events in which Lot and his family were carried off by the Kings in Genesis 14. I wonder if sometimes folk misinterpret God's goodness when He comes to their rescue in the midst of calamity? See how quickly Lot returned to Sodom with almost no compunction of conscience? He 'lingered' also when judgment was looming over the city. When asked to go to the mountain he begged to go to Zoar ('little'). His wife was killed and yet he [u]still[/u] went to Zoar. The man simply could not turn loose of his compromise.

But when Pharaoh [u]saw that there was relief[/u], he hardened his heart and did not listen to them, as the LORD had said. (Exodus 8:15 NASB)

This is the attitude that is so often recorded in scripture. And the question comes to this, are we 'Abraham's' or are we 'Lot's'? Abraham needed no such judgments and dangers to follow hard after God. He responded rightly to the word of the Lord. He made some mistakes and suffered from his little bit of Egypt also that he brought up from there when he mistepped into that land (Hagar). Noone who takes hold of even a little Egypt (as fire into the bosom) can walk away not having been burned (as it were). Hagar, Abraham's portion of Egypt, in the camp caused much grief. Tremendous lessons here.

I think that we need to preach the word of God with power. I think that the word of God preached with great unction has the greatest chance of changing people than anything. Not everyone is going to be saved. We have to come to terms with that and not get discouraged. We have to be willing at some point to allow folk to make their decision. We may grieve at their decision and even try to compel them to change their minds, but at the end of the day some folk are going to go out into eternity having rejected the Holy Ghost countless times. If folk knew hom many different means that God was employing at this moment to lead them to repentance they would be stunned.

Peter wanted to call fire down from heaven, but this was not the Spirit of our dispensation. The Holy Ghost is dealing deeply with folk. And we as ministers need to spend time in prayer and in the word of God and come away with a message that is sharper than any too edged sword. Not trying to be cute or any such thing. We need the full on revelation of the word of God brought to bear upon the hearts and minds of men- because it is the word of God that is able to save our immortal souls (James 1:21). Anything else is of limited use and we must not rely or wait on them.

Robert Wurtz II

 2007/1/12 8:50Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: great crash & Andrew Strom

I do believe it is apropriate to identify in repentance for the nation we live in, if only for the reason that had we fasted and interceded more the climate it might be much different. How seriously have we taken abortion, perversion, pornography, materialism, etc. etc.? To the point of grieving unto pouring out our lives to see a change? We have responsibility in all this. I dare to say, although I know there are those who bear these burdens, that the majority of the church is caught up in the materialism and excess and has not taken our responsibility seriously, myself included. Therefore we should repent for the condition and culture of our nation. Many of us have been asleep on our watch and the digression of morals is because folks don't stand up and push - Pray until something happens.


 2007/1/12 9:18Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: Lot - A little of the World

RobertW. That is an amazing word. I intend to share this with my email list. Excellent.


 2007/1/12 9:24Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: Andrew Strom's web site

Dear JaySaved,

Andrew Strom has a web sit that has his articles on it:


 2007/1/12 9:28Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Bro Strom Will You be Answering Questions? ...

Bro. Strom ...

When you post your threads and ask for "comments", does this mean that you're only interested in this aspect and have no intention of fielding questions?

If so i guess it's your prerogative, but i've found from personal experience that tackling the questions is oftentimes our Lord's place of refinement and drawing out and/or forward for me (especially those asked by bro philologos) ...

Our Lord spoke in my spirit a little while back that He'd not brought me to SI Forum to teach anybody anything (which was a real ego checker for me), but to teach me thru SI Forum ... In tackling the questions i have learned much more than i ever could just by reading comments ...

i for one would love to hear your answers, instead of suppositions on what you've posted by others ...

Lord bless you bro Strom ...

Bro R

 2007/1/12 9:54Profile

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri


Hi Goldminer,

I intend to share this with my email list. Excellent.

I was reading through and meditating on Abraham My Friend (Philologos; Ron Bailey) and the Lord began to deal with me about a statement he made. One of the many blessings of Ron's ministry and Sermonindex to me over the years. That statement "The essense of all compromise" became an entire message dealing with Lot's life and how it parallels with our times. If you are interested in the audio message it is titled [url=]"A Little Bit Of Egypt."[/url]

Robert Wurtz II

 2007/1/12 10:07Profile

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