This 2006 I had a different heart in observing Christmas; with no influence from other people and whatsoever materials. My heart is just seeing & feeling things differently. I even avoided greeting people "Merry Christmas." I have seen, in general & majority, celebrates Christmas in "wordly" way. Though they include Jesus but I felt its not still Him or shall I say not purely Him. If there is one word that God taught me last 2006, it's [u][b]PURITY[/b][/u]. God is pure in every way. I was struck by this "purity" when I was reading an article about "Clean & Unclean Food of OT." Its been a teaching that the/a reason God instituted it was health reason. When the writer described the unclean sea creature that eats the filth of the sea, it struck me how filthy they are. The thing that came into my mind was its more than health reason but about purity. There is not one bit of filth/impurity in God; so He does not want any filth/impurities in His people.Purity is holiness. We are too slow to equate holiness to purity that's way I always say the standard of God is purity. [i]Hebrews 12:14 (KJV)[/i] Follow peace with all men, and [b]holiness[/b], without which no man [u]shall see the Lord:[/u] [i]Matthew 5:8 (KJV)[/i] Blessed are the [b]pure[/b] in heart: for they [u]shall see God.[/u] This is another thing the Lord taught me this 2006. While I was teaching against "gospel of grace without responsibilty & prosperity" saying that these teach people in a way that God does not seem to have a standard. [i][b]Suddenly it struck me & this statement came into my mind & I said [/b][/i][u][b] "God has a standard. His standard is purity & righteousness."[/b][/u]Back to Christmas issue, today I just came across an article written by Nita Johnson of "The World for Jesus Ministry." I beleive God is speaking to me in this issue. I just want to share it with you the link below: seek God & may we do us He says
"Christmas is not about Me and what I gave on the cross. It is about greed and gifts and teaching My children the ways of the world. It is about what each one can get and moaning over what they don't get. It fosters greed and rebellion in the hearts of My precious children, while the poor and the needy go without. This is not My way; it is not My holiday. It is mans! The merchants have totally perverted the joy of My birth and have turned the focus on satisfying the craving of man's lust. My children are not taught to forget themselves and seek the interest of the poor and needy. It is a holiday that is a complete perversion of my ways."
_________________Neil Long
I'd like to see some evidence that early Christians celebrated the birth of Christ on Succoth.
Also, in regards to Sabbaths and feasts, early Christians in Ante-Nicean fathers (pre Constantine) did not keep these.
Hey Roman, didn't want to use more of this thread for feasts, so continue our conversation in the following thread[url=][/url]